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Hugo and Divtti.

It is a beautiful write - up on Hugo and the second Konkani Daily "Divtti" 
in Goa after the ouster of Portuguese rule in Goa.  The first Konkani Daily 
in Goa was Soth initiated by the late freedom fighter  Felicio Cardoso which 
was later stopped its circulation and merged with the newly established 
Divtti edited by Hugo.  Compared to Soth, Divtti was bigger in size and also 
bigger in circulation.  Soth was edited by adamant Felicio Cardoso while 
Divtti by liberal Hugo who was highly knowledgeable Goan having lot of 
intellectual power.  Felicio Cardoso though smart and knowledgeable man yet 
in front of Hugo, Felicio was a pigmy.  It was Felicio thru his Soth that 
introduced Marathik/Sanskritik Konkani in the name of developped Romi 
Konkani.  Romi readership was not prepared to accept that type of Sanskritik 
and Marathik type of Konkani immediately after the Bharati Raj in Goa.  In 
the bargain, instead of promoting and developing Romi Konkani and its 
readership, Soth kileed the Romi readership.  By starting Soth Felicio 
Cardoso did a good job but by introducing that type of Konknni he distanced 
many of the Romi readers from Soth. Hence, Romi readership relied more on 
Bombay Romi weeklies namely The Goa Times, The Goa Mail, Ave Maria and Cine 
Times and of course Vavraddeancho Ixtt from Pilar.

Having no other choice, Soth had to put an end to its circulation and 
joining hands with Hugo came out with Divtti which lasted for few years but 
while Divtti was still in circulation Chowgules came out with another new 
daily "Uzvadd" under the editorship of freedom fighter the late Evagrio 
George.  It was a big threat for Divtti when Uzvadd came because of the 
financial might of Chowgules.  Chowgules as we knew were anti Goan and anti 
Konkani.  To promote their views in their direction Chowgules already 
started Marathi "Gomantak" to woo the Hindu community towards their 
objective but to woo the Catholic community towards their objective they 
needed one more medium and that medium finally proved to be the 
establishmwent of Uzvadd.  Dr. Simon from Bombay thru his Goa Times opposed 
Evagrio George to be the editor of Uzvadd but Evagrio never listened to this 
advice and finally he was kicked out of Uzvadd. Then Evagrio George 
introduiced his own weekly "Prakash" and finally killed along with another 
freedom fighter Mark Fernandes in the bus accident at Panaji near Tourist 
Hostel. Coming back to Divtti, I must say that it would have been still 
going strong had it not been for the introduction of Uzvadd and precisely 
because of this I can rightly say that it was Uzvadd that killed Divtti and 
thru this murder the strong voice of Goans in support of Goa and Konkani was 
also killed. It is like one Konkani Daily killed another Konkani Daily.

Hugo was a great writer and his editorials always were interesting.  I was a 
regular reader of Divtti.  My contact with him started very late when Divtti 
was already closed.  I was introduced to him by Gurunath Kelekar when he was 
editing his weekly Goencho Mog.  Being its Kuwait correspondent I was very 
close to Gurunath and whenever I was visiting Goa I very often used to find 
Gurunath and Hugo together.  I even had an opportunity to visit and meet him 
at his Raia residence.  He was very well known in his locality,  His 
intellectual capacity was already known in his village and people around 
used to admire and respect him.  He was a very humble man inspite of being 
an intellectual giant.  Once during  my conversation with him at his 
residence, he told me that if Romi Konkani is to get that much of importance 
then we must produce great intellectual Romi writers and not "nankattai" as 
we see many amongsts us today.  It is a pity that currently we dont have 
great Romi writers to woo the readership to us. Many of the current Romi 
Writers are of low level and precisely because of this low standard, few 
Nagrivadis are dominating over us. If Romi Konkani journalism is to come up 
then it must come out from the hands of some of the "hoi-polloi Potrakar" 
who are not only doing injustice to the readers  but also doing injustice to 
Romi Konkani by displaying their idiotic minds and illiteracy.  Hugo was a 
staunch reader of my writings in Goencho Mog and Novem Goem and he many time 
complimented me. He once requested me to write a book in Romi Konkani on my 
writings on "World Soccer"  while Gurunath Kelekar requested me to bring it 
out in Nagri script to enable me to get Sahitya Academy Award which are till 
now doled out on silver platter to few chamchas of Kelekars - Bhembres - 
Naiks etc.

In the death of Hugo I lost a good admirer, Goa and Konkani lost an eminent 
personality.  May his soul rest in peace and may Goa produce more of such 

A. Veronica Fernandes,

>Reply-To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
>To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
>Subject: Goanet Digest, Vol 1, Issue 365
>Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 03:12:26 -0700
>Message: 5
>Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 13:55:00 -0700 (PDT)
>From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Goanet] Of a Konkani daily called ?Divtti? and giving back
>       to Goa
> >************************************************************************************
>Giving back to Goans - A Brief Account of Hugo's contribution to Goan 
>By Edwin D'Souza
>Huge de Souza (Hugo), was born to Joao Francisco de Souza (late doctor) and 
>Thelma de Souza (of
>Assagao), on September 22nd 1935, at Raia, a village in Salcete (South) 
>Goa. He did his schooling
>in Loyola High School, Margao (Goa), and his B.A. in St. Xavier?s College, 
>Dhobi Talao, Bombay. He
>did further studies in law (L.L.B.), and since Journalism had just started 
>in Kisenchand College
>(KCC) in Churchgate, Bombay, he enrolled for the one year course; and won a 
>gold medal for being
>an outstanding student of Journalism.

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