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Source: The Times (UK) 18 Sept. 2006 at

Excerpts: The Hindu temples of central and southern India can be startlingly
erotic .  

DNA testing has confirmed that upper-caste females in India are genetically
indistinguishable from lower-caste females, because pretty hoi polloi girls
have always been imported into the palaces. 

But the upper-caste males of India -who are the descendants of the Aryan
conquerors of 5,000 years ago have never allowed male proles to marry their
daughters, and they remain genetically distinct. 

Full text, 732 words, at

Does anyone know of any study on Goan castes using DNA techniques? 

From: Science 1 June 2001: Vol. 292. no. 5522, p. 1643
Anthropologists have long believed that the elites of India's ancient Hindu
caste system are descendants of European invaders who arrived about 5000
years ago. Now, modern population genetics has confirmed that at least some
Indians' genetic relatedness to Europeans rises with caste rank.

Eddie Fernandes

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