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Aristo xaristo at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 22:05:59 PDT 2006

Now that we've stopped with the "Stuffing" of Atheism in front of
certain faces, its now time for "Stuffing" homosexualty! Of course,
Cecil will soon remind us that this is GoaNet and not GayNet.

Dear Aristo,

GayNet notwithstanding, many on this list might be wondering why I am such
a vocal proponent of gay rights and same-sex marriage on conservative
GoaNet.  It probably relates to the ability to 'come out' with a revelation
which goes againt conventional attitudes and thinking.  

In my case, it was the realization that atheism was a valid world view and
Humanism a morally ethical philosophy which did not rely on any
supernatural powers to make it a valid choice.  But it was also due to a
message (below) that I had heard before but really didn't impress me until
I had to make that difficult choice between the comfort of the immediate
and extended social structure I had developed and the internal disconnect I
felt between my rational knowledge and irrational beliefs.  

Having grown up in Goa, studying Science in Britto's, Botany and Zoology in
Xavier's, the proper teaching of evolution was conveniently glossed over at
these Jesuit institutions.  Veterinary studies in Bombay were more specific
to existing species and although the common anatomical and physiological
features were apparent, I continued my belief that humanity was created
specifically to hold dominion over the rest.  Graduate studies in Canada
delved more into the origins of life and the common underpinnings we have
with all life in general.  That was my first major disconnect with
religious notions which I effectively compartmentalised for over 20 years. 
However, further comparative veterinary studies confirmed the biological
nature of our behaviour including homosexuality.  That notion was
confronted head on by the Church position a few years ago when Canada was
going through it's legalization of gay rights and same-sex marriage.  The
Church lost that battle and me.

What I couldn't understand is how, in all good faith, so many teachers and
spiritual leaders over the years could mislead their wards to think that
the word of God was the last word on social issues which have been refuted
by scientific investigation.  I decided that I would not stand by idly if
there was a valid fight to be won.  The message I alluded to earlier was to
empower others, specially minorities, that they have a voice and if they
use it, others will eventually listen.  I think it was about speaking up
for others....

    They came first for the Communists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Catholics,
    and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

    Then they came for me,
    and by that time no one was left to speak up.


For the record, I am happily(?) married to a beautiful and intelligent
woman and have two teenage children, a 19y old son and a 15y old daughter,
who seem well adjusted.  My attention is diverted very easily by an
attractive woman but not necessarily by a handsome man, unless he is able
to engage me with an intelligent conversation.  I will swoon over any
gender who can engage my mind rather than my hormones.

Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

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