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On 21/09/06, Mario Goveia wrote:
> > 
> > I would add Nelson Mandela to the list, and, at 
> > the risk of creating mass indigestion and 
> > heartburn on the left, Pope John Paul II, Ronald 
> > Reagan, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, 
> > without whom millions would still be under the 
> > yoke of totalitarian dictators, and now have an 
> > opportunity for freedom and democracy.
Gabe Menezes responded:
RESPONSE: What utter balderdash, the truth is :
Civilian deaths soar to record high in Iraq
Mario observes:
Gabe describes as balderdash my comment that without
President George W. Bush, in Iraq, "... millions would
still be under the yoke of totalitarian dictators, and
now have an opportunity for freedom and democracy." 
Somehow, the British left-wing Guardian newspaper has
failed to inform him that Iraq has been a functioning
but nascent democracy for several months now, and that
it has President Bush to thank for giving them the
opportuntity to be free from the brutal and sadistic
Saddam regime, that killed hundreds of thousands of
innocent Iraqis since 1991 simply for opposing the
Saddam regime, and many more people during his
pre-emptive wars against Iran and Kuwait.
Gabe apparently preferred the "stability" of the
dictatorial Saddam regime for Iraq, though he wants
freedom and democracy for himself.
The civilian deaths that are occurring in Iraq are due
to the sectarian animosities that have been unleashed
by a small section of Iraq's population, mainly
between the Sunni minority that brutally dominated the
Shia majority under Saddam, and the Shia who are now
coming into their own.  Out of a total Iraqi
population of some 25 million, the insurgents engaged
in the mayhem number in the few thousands.
The sectarian violence in Iraq is being encouraged by
the same kind of Islamic militants that were recently
found to be plotting the killing of innocent civilians
not far from where Gabe lives.  Yet his sympathies
seem to lie with the Islamic militants, not those
opposing them.
The American-led coalition and the new Iraqi security
forces are trying to stop the civilian sectarian
killings in Iraq.  
BTW, in Gabe's British Isles, Christian sectarian
killings occurred in Ireland and continued for
generations until very recently inspite of the best
attempts of the British security forces to stop them.

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