The hot-button issue engaging Goanet's cyberspace these days is that 
provocative piece of Goan manhood's pristine attire....... the Kashtti. This 
ultimate in informality equivalent of the West's jock, while bordering on 
risque semi-nudity, has received a lot of attention and invoked much 
discussion. Hence I'll proceed to give this topic a rhyming thrust to 
galvanize further words of wisdom on this amusing and piquant subject.
A sartorial strip of pristine masculinity is the Kashtti
The prim and proper prude could find primitively nasty
Backed solidly by tradition it needs no ironing for its mag
Its grandeur is hardly assessable fairly by its price tag
Rightly viewing the wearer as a gentleman in a ball rag
By consuetude well accepted socially, his jock's no gag
In tintos, agoras and other haunts  on the main drag
Sporting his  Adam's leaf gamely though tongues  wag
Of maintaining seminal dress code he can stoutly brag
His prestige, Modesty, Decorum and Solemnity can't sag
No indecent exposure charge'll land him in a Goan Gulag
Given his personality from smile and  posture doesn't lag
And with coconut oil and comb he's groomed his shag
In any fancy dress competition, first prize  he could bag
Outright beating suited dandies and taking all the swag
Now consider the flexibility afforded by donning this rag
His agility and ease would prevail up  tree, river or crag
to traipse his way around he'd be a lightning fast scrag
And if he suffers a Xanthippe who constantly does nag
Being on his nerves and appetite a mean harrowing drag
To avoid his battle-ax spouse, swiftly sleek he can zigzag
His string and sac outfit is deemed a second national flag
Admiring lovelorn mannas behold in him a desirable stag
and how his popularity soars when attracting many a fag

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