Dynastic politics to stay
S Kamat, Alto Betim

Last week Vishwajeet Rane was appointed as the
Congress General Secretary.  This is yet another
indication of the dynastic trend in Indian politics. 
There is a compulsion among existing political
families to have at least one  of their members to
remain in politics. The logic of the matter is simple.
 The necessity for this is to protect the family

The ill gotten gains  that these politicians
accumulate over their stint in politics is something 
that cannot be sneezed at. Such large sums, both in
movable and immovable  assets, need to be kept safely.
The easiest method to do this is to have the  family
remain in political life. There are numerous examples
of this,  notable among them being the reasons for the
Gandhi family to remain in  politics at various times
inspite of Rajiv’s disinterest, Sonia’s  unwillingness
and then the children, Rahul and Priyanka’s having
better  things to do. Or lately Supriya following in
the tradition and footsteps of her father, the
redoubtable Maratha, Sharad Pawar. Politics
automatically bestows an armour of invincibility on
the individual of being beyond the law, at least as
far as India is concerned.

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