Thanx Mervyn for that nostalgic "piece" and on a wider spectrum for
sending some of us ""down memory lane" on these long vacations
taken by East African Goans to Goa in pre-independent Kenya, Uganda,
Tanganyika and Zanzibar. (They all got independence from British
rule in the early sixties).

These trips - though rough if you were travelling Third Class-
had all the "trappings" of a great sea voyage- good food, booze,
fantastic music and all the dancing to go with it, and other

The management of these ships also made it easy on the
travellers-mainly civil servants whose Class Fare was dictated by
their grades
in the government.

Hence, many a  third class passenger had the option of having meals
served on Second Class by paying for the difference,and the same
applied to Second Class passengers who may have wanted to have meals
served in the First Class dining rooms.

The entertainment management also saw to it that they recruited
the "cream-de-creme" of musicians in  East Africa , Bombay and even
"Mother Goa". That included Toronto's late all round 
musician - Remy DeMello - formerly from Tanzania.

And when you got on land, one could'nt forget  the very friendly
people and attractive Arab gals in Mombasa,Kenya, the gorgeous
mulatto Seychellois "cuties" in Mahe (or is it-Victoria) and your
pen-ultimate stop in Karachi where I believe many went on a "rampage"
going for those great dried Mediterranean fruits- figs, dates ,
apricots and the likes.

A  great aspect about these vacations was that many parties
were held for families heading for Goa. I presume , it's because
of the long absence- four to six months.

Another strange aspect I noticed with some families is that one
full trunk was loaded with items being taken for relatives and very
good friends. That included taking items of one's friends for their
relatives. (Remember, there were no luggage "constraints" like
modern travel).

And finally, remember besides SS "Karanja" and SS "Kampala", there
were also the SS "Kenya" and SS "Uganda". I wonder what happened to
all these vessels. May be , could someone enlighten us ?


Tony Barros.

Union, New Jersey.

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