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The humans race has, so far, stepped back from the
brink of accidental or deliberate MAD nuclear

But is the biblical armageddon closer than we think
through seemingly "innocent" actions of mankind - like
consuming more and more and...

The world simply cannot cope with 2.3 billion Indians
& Chinese living like 300 million Americans who
constituting 5% of the world population contribute 25%
or more of global pollution. Just visualise the world
drowned under disposable diapers without a single tree
standing because all of them have been converted into

The British government recently acknowledged at the
highest levels that immediate action should be taken
and 180 billion British Pounds be spent (globally) if
a devastating 20% contraction in the Global Economy is
to be avoided.

All we can do as individuals is live simple lives.
People at the top of the pile have to lead by example.
The Infosys and Wipro bosses Narayanmurthy and Premji
for example use small cars.

Once the top stops flaunting wealth the rest of the
pyramid will naturally begin to follow.

In the meantime all we common individuals can
do is

REDUCE - REUSE - RECYCLE - the 3Rs for the survival of
the Human Race.

Ralph Rau (another 2 R's !)

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