Cecil writes:
Please conclusively, or at least credibly, prove that:
1) The divorce rate in Goa is spiralling
2) That pre and extra-marital sex is as prevalent in Goa as anywhere in the

Hi Cecil,

Please stop beating up on Selma. She was probably comparing the above
statistics in Goa to similar ones in her own youth.

I cannot comment on extra-marital sex, as very few of my friends are married 
and also because adults are more discreet about these matters than

However having lived in a couple of big cities in India and abroad, I must 
say that the pre-marital sex is much rarer in Goa than some of our big 
cities in the rest of India, Mumbai or Bangalore (even Jaipur!) for

To compare it to London or Europe would be a wishful thinking(for Goan
youngsters atleast!).

There are no published statstics to back up my above statements but they are
based on the statistics of un-married European/Indian/Goan friends of mine
as well as my own astute observations in this matter :)). These are in no
way conclusive but are quite credible.

Sunith Velho

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