> We Shastikars, who always drink in moderation (to
> our health of course !) prefer our neat Maddel  or 
> with a little soda - The Caju smell lingers 
> longer and that makes many Bardezkars smell like
> bebdos !
Mario observes:
I'm sure most Sashtikars are perfectly normal people
who drink in moderation, but I can tell they have at
least one bebdo amongst them:-))  
According to Carmo's research, we Bardezkars have
descended from fierce Maratha mountain warriors. 
Therefore it stands to reason we like our adult
beverages much stronger than the docile Kannadiga
farmers and fishermen the Sashtikars have descended
from, according to Carmo.
What Carmo may not know from drinking mild Maddel is
that Caju fenny can put hair on your chest.  Besides,
we can tell who is a bebdo by how they behave and what
they write, which is a better indication than the
unique and heavenly fragrance of Caju fenny, which any
clever bebdo from Bardez can easily mask:-))

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