--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While history books are full of the remarkable
> achievements of Goans 50, 60 years or more ago, one 
> hardly hears of eminent Goans who have made as much 
> a mark in the society in which they live these days.
> Or is it simply because there are many such people
> even today but we are too small minded to recognize 
> their work they do for us all.
Mario asks:
Or is it simply because most of us are no longer as
narrowly provincial as we used to be 50 years ago, and
now just include modern Indian Catholic giants like
Fr. Benny Aguiar, Cardinal Ivan Dias, Victor Menezes,
Mark Fernandes and Francisco D'Souza - as well as
others I may be less familiar with - among the growing
list of high achievers of Indian origin around the

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