Cecil, your hollow rebuttal points to my post are just codswallop (thanks
for making the word popular on Goanet, Cornel).
You have more laws and rules than Canada has. The major difference is you
don't implement them!

How about this one, from your own article in the Gomantak Times of October
26, 2006 re posted on Goanet:
quote  Astride my trusted Activa scooter, with Desmond seated behind and
Fabian in front, we would do the standard route from Tonca through Panjim to
Mala and back, and in the process see every Narkasur in town. unquote.

Now tell me Cecil if Indian laws allow 3 passengers on a two-seater (safety
wise, here in the west scooters are deemed one-seaters, but never mind that)
and also tell me of how much importance your sons' lives are to you, no
matter how many other people do it. Or is it just that you, like everybody
else just ignore the laws and expect that a) no accidents will happen to you
and b) Goa will somehow become a better place despite you breaking the laws.

And I wouldn't be surprised from the tone of your reply (seen below) to a
serious matter like drinking and driving that you deem that issue
inconsequential too (....because you didn't drink enough or whatever the
rule is in Canada....).

And by the way I mentioned my cellphone as a means of relaying information
to kin, for the medics rescuing me, (or didn't you know it could be used for
that?) while you thought of it as an instrument to be used while they take
you away. Wouldn't mention this, except that it goes to your line of


On 11/27/06, Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Roland Francis wrote:
Think of it next time you're speaking on your cellphoine while
being taken by ambulance away from an accident site because you
didn't drink enough, or whatever the rule is in Canada. I hear they
have lots of rules for everything. Which may not be a bad thing for
people who need rules and can't decide for themselves.
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