On Tue, 2006-11-28 at 23:01 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From: Sunith D Velho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Bleeding labour dry/reply to (Vidyadhar Gadgil)
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Content-Type:
> text/plain;       charset=ISO-8859-1;     format="flowed"
> Dear Vidhyadhar,
> To further nationalise essential services in a country where there is 
> no political or bureaucratic accountabilty will spell disaster for 
> India.

This is not the first time we have disagreed on related issues. I think
both of us are pretty familiar with the various arguments pro-and-con
this issue, and I don't think repeating them on this forum is going to
convince either one of us. I respect your views, just as you respect
mine, I'm sure ... so let's leave it at that, eh? I am
anti-privatization and you are pro-privatization, and the world has
plenty of space for both our views :-)
> Fast forward a few years(since privatisation) and one can now get a 
> Phone, Mobile and Broadband connection from the same BSNL in a day or 
> two.
> I would genuinely like to know your explantion for this.

Here I will concede that the shock that BSNL and other monopolistic
public-sector service providers got was salutary and much needed, and
helped them to shape up and become more professional. The permit-licence
raj and monopolistic complacency on the part of some public sector
concerns was a serious problem. 
> The state of electricity, roads, and water in India remains very 
> backward and I'm not sure why you are thankful for that. The primary 
> reason for KTC's pathetic state is political interference in 
> appointments and day-to-day activities. The primary reason for the 
> below par service from private operators in Goa is a completely 
> inefficient and corrupt bureaucracy(RTO and Traffic Police). The 
> pathetic state of the PWD and Electricity Department begs
> privatisation 
> in these sectors.

You may get better services, but at a very high cost, making them
inaccessible to the majority. That is why public services need to be
govt. controlled, so that they can be supplied at prices within the
reach of all.
But I thought I said at the beginning that we'll give the debate a miss.
Looks like old habits die hard...


Question everything -- Karl Marx

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scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

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