Thankfully this riposte is not going to task my mind:
1) Why shouldn't they rush to elevate themselves in their careers? Isn't 
everyone doing that all over the world? They don't have the dole to fall 
back on or free medical benefits, just opportunities and chances at a half 
way decent education which they are grabbing. I wish the young people in my 
town of Boothbay whose school grabs all of my house tax had that kind of an 
ambition. You should have been lauding these kids who survive brain racking 
tests and brutal schedules without the luxury of cars, credit cards and 
laptops. How do they address issues  like global warming, sustainable 
development and alternate fuels if they don't have the kind of education 
that the NIO tries to give them?
2) And how do you know my colleagues are 'not doing anything?'
3) What correlation is there between by lenghty (sic) prose and my largesse? 
I could be doing both, neither or one or the other.
4) How do you know if I contribute to Goa Sudharop or not? Did you hack into 
5) Does giving to Goa Sudharop constitute the only charitable act that a 
Goan can undertake? Or the only meaningful one? Really George Pinto I could 
be accusing you of monopoly!
6) One watch does not make you a philanthropist who can throw (like a girl) 
stones at others - you need to try harder!

> And Helga, much as I admire your lenghty treatise on how Goa has a
> bright future with all your bright colleagues in the NIO and elsewhere
> rushing about to elevate themselves in their careers,
> I would admire even more your less lenghty but more effective donation
> to Goa Sudharop to do what your young colleagues are not doing -
> making Goa a better place, one person at a time.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

Goanet supports BMX, the alumni network of Britto's, St Mary's and
Xavier's -- three prominent institutions in Mapusa, Goa. Events 
scheduled from Dec 16 to 21, 2006

For more details visit

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