           * * *  2006  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *
WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 21, 2006 @ 4:00pm

More info:

Hi Everyone,

We need Goan Justice for the leaders of the mob which attacked the Catholic 
Church and School in Bangalore. I urge that the perpetrators of this heinous 
crime be arrested immediately and brought to Goa to be crucified Upside Down 
on a major Maidan in Goa. Only then we will have PAX GOA and no one will 
mess with us Goans or our Catholic Church for that matter !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
currently touring our Goa Dourada !

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 16:14:31 -0800 (PST)
From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Catholic Church And School Attacked In
        Bangalore,      Archbishop Escapes Without Injuries
To: Goanet <goanet@goanet.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

A good thing there were no physical injuries. Protests must be peaceful. 
was the "complaint
against the school principal accusing him of misbehaviour with students"?


>Catholic Church And School Attacked In Bangalore, Archbishop Escapes 
>New Delhi, Dec. 18, 2006 (CBCI News):
>An unruly mob attacked St Thomas Church and St Claret School in sub-
>urban Bangalore last night. When Bangalore Archbishop went to visit the 
>site, the mob attacked his car breaking it's wind screens. Providentially 
>the Archbishop escaped from physical injuries.
>Last evening, a group parents of the students of the St Claret School 
>lodged a complaint against the school principal accusing him of 
>misbehaviour with students.
>Late in the same night, a mob attacked the Church and the school 
>vandalising both of them. When priest came out to see what was happening, 
>they too were attacked by the miscreants.
>When the Claretian priests who were running the school went to the local 
>police station to lodge a complaint against the attackers, to their 
>surprise they found that a complaint was already lodged against them.
>The above incident was brought to the notice of Archbishop of Bangalore 
>Bernard Moras last night.
>The Archbishop along with his Secretary Fr Anthony Samy and the 
>Archdiocesan Finance Officer Fr C. Francis went to visit the site this 
>morning. The car in which they were travelling belonged to the Finance 
>Officer who was driving the vehicle.
>"As we arrived at the school gate, the car was attacked and smashed. They 
>tried to hit me and my spectacles fell within the car and providentially, I 
>escaped injury," said Archbishop Moras to Fr Henry D'Souza, the editor of 
>this website.
>"The police force was present at the site in sufficient numbers. 
>Unfortunately, they were only mute spectators. They could have certainly 
>avoided the incident, or at least alerted us not to proceed to the school 
>gate," said Fr Anthony Samy.
>Secretary General of CBCI Archbishop Stanislaus Fernandes, Archbishop of 
>Bombay Oswald Gracias and Archbishop of Delhi Vincent Concessao have 
>strongly condemned the attack and urged the Government of Karnataka to 
>provide the necessary protection to it's people, especially the minorities 
>and institutions.

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