On 29/12/06, Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Gabe,

Those are rather strong words from a Goan based in a country that elected
Tony Blair for a second term. WMD anyone?

Viva Goa.

My Dear Miguel,

I would like to inform you that, voters in the U.K. okayed Tony Blair,
but with a greatly reduced majority ! In fact shot were fired across
his bow. Tony Blair's recent form has been a down right, almost
tailspin for the Labour Party. The fact that he 'toadies' to Herr Bush
has not endeared him to the public here in the U.K. As you may or may
not know Tony Blair has tarnished the U.K. and the majority of the
electorate want him out, sooner than later ! Goa is about 20 years at
best behind the mindset of the U.K Citizens.

I shall be, among the majority glad,  to see his back side and his
strident stride ala Bush !

I would be more than ecstatic, if my brothers and sisters in Goa,
would fire some strident shots across the bow of the present
incumbents ! Can we expect, even one incumbent to loose his seat ?
Here in the U.K. many, very safe seats were lost and the blame was
laid at the P.M.'s door. I challenge the Goan electorate to throw out
just one bigwig....I am not even convinced that Churchill can kick out

Goan pigs will surely fly before that !

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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