RP2001 was discused on the first day more than 2 times.
(miniters presernt were Willy (Chief Miniter didn't turn up), Digambar & Chief 
Willy the Enviroment and Tourism minister washed his hand saying he is not a 
part of RP2001
nor it/file has come to his office and that he was not aware of it at all.
Second day there was an indirect mention of it more than once.
Ministers present were Luizin Faleiro, Dayanand Narvekar and Subash Shirodkar 
(and they had
nothing to do with TCP or Enviroment as Willy did not turn up) they all painted 
rosy pictures
of oneself or thier achievements. Including power point presentation by IT and 
Health minister
Narvekar. I wonder if 80% of those 40 delegates present understood it at all.
As I understand majority of the delegates were retire senior citizens including 
Third day there was no interactive session with the ministers.

 Read more on Day one on GGC 

Some Excerpts:

-Interactive session (open forum- Q & A seesion)

Minister present: Eduardo, Willy, Digambar, Chief Passport officer..

CM was supposed to come but send his Deputy (Willy) instead.  Perhaps,  because 
of  RP2011.

Alexander Fernandes  from Kuwait raised garbage problem and that every time 
this is taken up
‘we get same old baxonn’

Wilson Coelho again from Kuwait sought clarification from CPO about the ENCR  
requirement to
those who could not complete 3 years abroad as  he/she had to go back to Goa 
say due to death
in the family etc. Also said Pakistani Goans visa takes 3-6 months.

Another one from Kuwait, a president of Goan welfare Association said that 
there is no help in
Kuwait to those who are in distress. Also, it seems he was criticizing the 
previous speaker,
which most found very strange.

Alwyn from Honkong fired the first Salvo on RP011

Aires Rod, again RP2011 and said ‘all share in the same pie’, high level of 
corruption citing
eg. A talathi asking Rs.500 for a certificate and when asked why, the talathi 
says he has to
recover Rs.7 lakhs he paid to get the job.

There was another with RP2011 again.

After discussing the above, Faleiro says no more topics on RP2011.

But Ahisha Siquera from New York brought up the topic again and Mr. Faleiro 
said no. to this a
gentleman next to her stood up and said what the point of coming here if the 
topic is not
discussed and that this is a waste of time. Faleiro replied saying ‘so, don’t 
waste your time’
to this, they both walked out.

Victor D’Souza (London) says Communidade refused to give him a small piece of 
land 50sqmtrs
for him for car park on the ground he was not resident here.

Rene Barreto (UK) said something about people changing ‘Form I & IV’ of his 

Custodio D’souza (France) complained that Indian Embassy staff there treating 
people like

Coach left for Fort Aguada Hotel for Dinner.

At this time (around 8pm) total delegates were about 45

But around 9pm the the crowed was nearly 150 again,  with the arrival of 
ministers and other
dignitaries but mostly were other govt officers, friends, family and chamchas 
of ministers
like Joaquim alemao, Digambar Kamat, CM, etc etc.

Cultural programe there started one hour late again (because CM and other 
ministers came
late). Function got over around midnight.

This might  interests you too..
My source said, when he first entered the convention hall, he mistook it  as 
conference as he saw almost all were in the casual dress like T-shirts, half 
shirts etc.
He went back to reception only to ask which hall GGC takes place.   There were 
only about 3-5
NRIs with suit/ties it seems

Sadly, there will be no reporting for Day 2 & 3


More to follow soon

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