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Hi Everyone,

I have been very critical of the Goan Gaon Goon Congress Party of late - but 
here is an issue where they deserve no criticism, only praise for their 
decison to patronize the Goa Carnival parade. Manohar Please note - you 
should promise to top the Congress committment for Carnival in Goa when you 
are elected Chief Minister next year.

India after all is not a Latin country - we are a Commonwealth county and we 
should take a cue from our fellow Commonwealth country of Trinidad in which 
the Government lavishly patronizes the Carnival and has made it a 
blockbuster event in the Carribbean. (In Brazil too, the Police, and other 
government agencies like Defence tech patronize the Carnival to keep 
thefestiviies under control and to drum up business). So Congress is finally 
doing something good for Goa, although it is a bit late and too close to the 
next election. If the local government does'nt fund Carnival than outside 
governments will step in to do so - like Fidel Castro stepping in to fund 
the Venezulan and Brazilian Carnivals. In these days of India Shining,  we 
should not use the poor, non-progressive Latin countries as role models.

Viva Goa ! Viva Carnival !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
ex Velim in South Goa,
now Indian Harbour Beach, Florida.

                                 CARNIVAL  PARADE

The Carnival was introduced in Goa about 500 years back  by the Portuguese  
as three days of fun and frolic before Lent.It was really enjoyable being 
celebrated in our cities and villages.But for some years now, our Govt 
decided to "patronize" it with thousand of rupees, under the laughable 
justification that it was to attract tourist and perhps that would also help 
to fill their own Pockets.

No where in the Latin Countries of the World where Carnaval is held, the 
Govt does that, and it is a touristic event all the same.

This year the preparations for the Parade turned into a fight of gladiators. 
Dr. Willie de Souza, our Hon. Minister for Tourism, demands that the Govt 
should organize it all .

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