It looks surprising that some have said that those born before Goa's
Liberation has Portuguese nationality as its "birthright". Political
history showed why Portugal made Goa a "province" and named it Estado da
India. To give such a legality to what Goa was then, just a colony, is a
play on constitution.

It didn't fool the international community of nations. Neither did UNO take
cognizance of such an Act. Pulling wool over the eyes of people was the aim
of such an Act, and India was none the wiser with Portuguese.

Now with the issue of Portuguese passports to those who desire, this issue
of "birthright" has come to the fore. The India-Portugal treaty overrides
any Acts that would be applicable to Goans after Goa came into the Indian

There was a blanket Indian citizenship to all Goans irrespective of their
allegiance to Portugal. Can't ignore the fact that if staying in Goa,
though some Portuguese laws are enforced in Goa, the Indian laws are

As I said earlier in my opinion piece in OHeraldo, the Indian government
can give an "amnesty" to Portuguese passpor-holders with a conditional time
limit. Better these people go for OCI card. The Goa government must work
with the centre to sort this problem lest all those in Goa suffer.

Good that the issue has come up to the surface, for which we must thank
both Caitu and Churchill. The issue can be settled for once and for all.


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