To CM Manohar Parrikar
for info and necessary action.

 Q&A update  10.12.13
Q 21: BJP Minister (virtually at No.2 ) Sudin repeatedly saying Persons holding 
dual Citizenship -
1. ‘They should be deported’, 
2. ‘Their property or assets should be confiscated and given to Sainik  
Board'3. ‘They did so because  they have no love for Goa / India’

Whether Sudin said or f*din said, whoever saying so does not know what he/she 
is talking about.
CM Parrikar should stop such persons making such hurting and disturbing remarks.
Govt should not be talking like this specially when the matter  is in the 
court. It should be protecting it’s people by working out some sort of  a 
solution to this whole  imbroglio.
Its sounds like biased or even racist remarks.
Infact, he should be made to apologize to the people of Goa for hurting their 
sentiments by his cheap pub or bolcao talk.
1. Deport where?, Do they have another abode in another country?
They are born here (and worked) spent major time of their life here – Does that 
mean anything?
For that matter, does PIO (Person of Indian Origin) mean anything?
Those who are abroad send money back home etc – does that contribute anything 
to Indian Economy?
Goa Govt. in the recent past even felicitated or honoured  foreign Nationals of 
Goan Origin for their outstanding contribution abroad – Where this hatred 
suddenly come from now?

2. Then there is an OCI (Overseas Indian Citizenship) given to all NRIs holding 
another Nationality or passport
Which gives them same rights of any other Indian Citizens except no Govt jobs, 
no contesting elections and no buying of agricultural land.  They can buy and 
own and sell property and do investment, live in India or Goa for years or for 
life without requiring a visa or need to register with FRO (Foreigners 
Registrations Office).

3. It’s not true or right  to say people acquiring another Nationality or just 
registering their birth into another country because they don’t love Goa.
They only do so for economic reasons or better prospects for their children in 
People do not leave Goa for good, infact, many come back home more than once a 
They love Goa, they are born here and no one can take away their ‘sense of 
belonging here’

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