22 Dec: Herald (London Post). Selma Carvalho writes, 

"I have come to meet a Goan couple who live in a rented room . It is what
the English would contemptuously describe as 'third world' and yet this is
the life so many invisible immigrants endure in Britain. 
Portuguese passport-holding Goans arrive in an already depressed UK economy,
where jobs are difficult to find and the slightest downturn leads to layoffs
or reduced hours. To survive, they borrow from banks and relatives or worse
still, from quickfix money lending agencies charging usurious rates of
interest. Burdened with financial problems, unable to cope in an alien
country and cast adrift by their inability to communicate in English, they
spiral into debt, drink and depression. 

There is also currently a crackdown on landlords renting rooms and sheds
unfit for habitation. All this will make it that much more difficult for new
Portuguese passport-holding Goans contemplating a move to England."  

Full text, 891 words, + photos at http://bit.ly/1bYZlV6

Forwarded by Eddie Fernandes

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