Jeep scandal of 1948 was the beginning. Just one year after India's 
independence. The same bloke then spread unfounded rumours about Goa before 
invading it. Just so that he could continue in power. 

On Friday, 3 January 2014 8:17 AM, roland.francis <> 
The Indian Armed Forces was once the bastion of everything good about India. 
Courage, loyalty, selflessness, equality, discipline, endeavour to excel.
>But over the years like every other institution in the country, the qualities 
>that had made it unique have been corroded. 
>The latest scandal that has caused the government to cancel the Augusta 
>Westland helicopter deal reaches up to even a former chief of the air force S 
>P Tyagi.
>In a highly disciplined force where obeying orders can mean laying your life 
>on the line, it is imperative that the ones giving those orders must be above 
>moral reproach. Alas, some Indian commanders have not been meeting that high 
>standard lately.
>If India was not prepared for China in 1962 then one can say with all the 
>corruption scandals unearthed in recent years in the forces,  that should a 
>two pronged Pakistan-Chinese intrusion occur, India will be humiliated. 
>Already China has warned of war if India absorbs Bhutan which India has no 
>choice but to do to prevent China encircling its North East territories. This 
>has been downplayed in the Indian media. 
>Sent from Samsung Mobile

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