Dear Anna Maria,

Why not Kasti?? That is more comfortable, is it not?

You either change with times or stay like the pig... your word not mine!

Have a nICE dAY

Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 15:55:32 +0000
From: Ana Maria Fernandes <>

i saw our chief minister dressed in bush shirt . <Many of us must have made
a statement that our chief minister does not dress well and to the
occassion. But I cannot understand why must the chief minister wear a suit ?
People wear suits in cold countries. I know that people even go to work in
suits in cold countries but wearing a suit in hot and humid state of Goa is
stupidity. I have often seen men dressing in suits  for the feast in month
of May and going in a procession and sweating like pigs. It is very
uncomfortable. Many times going for a wedding wearing a suit in hot weather
is not pleasent at all. I feel that the chief minister is justified in
wearing a shirt and pant as that is comfortable in this hot and humid

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 9, Issue 59

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