Just last week, a fascinating apology to Indians appeared in Uganda's 'The
Independent' magazine.

An article entitled 'Xenophobia against Ugandans in India' led with "Uganda
has had a long undercurrent of strained relations with the Asian
community", then Hussein Lumumba
on to write "I would like to hereby apologize on behalf of the Amin family
for any undue suffering Asians have had to bear during the historic events
of 1972 that saw thousands of Asians flee".

The writer urged "Asian community leaders to publicly recognize...submerged
causes of tension and also offer some apology to the millions of Ugandans
who know there is a problem" regarding relations between the two peoples.

Those statements are particularly interesting because Hussein
Amin<> is
one of at least 40 (officially recognized) children of Idi Amin Dada, the
third president of Uganda, a physically imposing soldier who rose through
British colonial ranks before becoming commander of post-independence
Ugandan troops and deposing Milton
Obote<> to
become 'President for Life' in 1971.

In 1978, Idi Amin was himself forced to flee into exile in Saudi Arabia
(where he eventually died in 2003). His regime was characterized by extreme
violence and terror: hundreds of thousands of people were killed (estimates
rage up to half a million) in waves of extra-judicial killings and ethnic

All this bloodshed occurred in plain sight of the rest of the world, as the
Ugandan strongman deftly shifted allegiances, finding sponsorship and
support successively from the UK and Israel, then Libya, the USSR and East

In 1972, Idi Amin declared "economic war" against the Indians (and a
handful of remaining colonials) who dominated Uganda's economy. Nearly
overnight, 80,000 Indians had their businesses and property taken away, and
almost all of them were ejected for good. In this painful exodus were
thousands of Goans (including this writer's in-laws) who had lived in
Africa for generations, and always thought of Uganda as their permanent

In an exclusive email interview earlier this week, 45-year-old Hussein Amin
admitted he is "not very much aware" of the Goan history in Uganda, which
dates to the very first British intrusion, even before the territory became
a Protectorate in 1894. But it is a proud episode in Goan history which
deserves to be remembered.

>From the 1880's, thousands of Goans streamed into the 'Pearl of Africa', to
serve as tailors, musicians, bakers, teachers, railway employees and
clerks. Interestingly, the Ugandan national dress remains the 'Gomesi',
named after a Gomes from Goa who first dreamed it up as a school uniform.

Even after decolonization, hundreds of Goans formed the backbone of
Uganda's civil service. Many were sincere African nationalists. Even today,
the pioneering 
Peter Nazareth defines himself "an African writer" first of all.

In almost every measurable way, 1972's convulsions were disastrous for
Uganda. Industry went silent, commercial agriculture withered, the civil
service went into paralysis, education standards plummeted and foreign
investment disappeared overnight. But that is not how it is remembered now.
Instead, Hussein Amin says, "Many Ugandans actually talk in support of the
event, including the new generation of young Ugandans who weren't even born
at the time. It is very easy for natives and Africans to see that the move
was in the interest of Ugandans." He insists his father was not motivated
by xenophobia, instead reacted to "immense public pressure".

According to Hussein Amin, "Ugandans for the first time were able to take
on the economy of the country after being despicably denied that inherent
right throughout colonial times. In Uganda today, many of the older
generation of successful native businessmen are those who struggled with
what they had acquired through the Departed Asians Board."

But Hussein Amin admits some things are different now. "Today the relations
between the Asian communities and the native Ugandan are quite smooth,
compared to the pressures my father had to bear back then." His late wife
"was herself born to a Ugandan Asian father and a Rwandan mother". "We did
have time to discuss issues pertaining to xenophobia and genocide, but I
did learn to enjoy Amitabh Bachchan movies, the Asian culture and food. It
was easy for me to have a good relationship based on love and mutual
respect," says Hussein Amin.

Still, adds this son of Idi Amin, "it doesn't mean everything is OK between
the two communities" and "avoiding the discussion as if nothing is wrong is
only putting others in future danger". Regarding the controversy about
Ugandans and the new AAP government in New Delhi, he says, "I am glad that
the Indian government, and particularly the police, refused to be part of
the recent acts of xenophobia led by one of their ministers against
Africans...Because one spark like what this Indian minister did is enough
to initiate mayhem somewhere else."

Hussein Amin speaks for many Africans when he says "xenophobia and racism
are a problem that India should be aware of especially that they have a
cultural background of extreme social segregation already". "So alertness
to the seeds of xenophobia should have been an expertise of theirs by now,"
he says, further warning that "there is a constituency out there in the
streets of Africa" ready to vent longstanding frustrations if the
opportunity arises.

Hussein Amin's frank comments are a stark reminder of the irrevocably
interconnected world we live in the 21{+s}{+t} century, when Ugandans could
retaliate in Kampala for events in New Delhi, and images from vigilante
attacks on the Nigerian highway dharna in Goa in October 2013 were viewed
in real time in Lagos. That ugly episode prompted official protest, and
some concerns about imperilled safety of the huge Indian community in
Nigeria. But next time could be much worse.

Goa's leadership needs to be ultra-vigilant about immediately extinguishing
similar sparks and flashpoints in the future, lest they erupt into
unstoppable conflagration

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