On Feb 12, 2014, at 12:32 PM, "roland.francis" <roland.fran...@ymail.com> 
"when Nehru asked him (Salazar) sometime in the mid-50s, what would be the best 
solution for the future of Goa"


I invite Roland Francis to point me to a non-revisionist site which will 
confirm what he has written above.

I ask him: based on what he (Roland) knows about Junagadh, Hyderabad (Deccan) 
and Pondicherry, does Roland believe that: (a) Nehru spoke to Salazar (b)  
those were his words or sentiments?

IF Nehru was such a great proponent of the Right to Freedom of  Self 
Determination, do you believe he would have asked Goans what they wanted?

I see RF comparing Goa 1961 with Goa 2014 - as if to make a point. How about 
comparing Goa 1961 with Ratnagiri 1961? 

A question has to be asked: IF Goa 2014 is as brilliant as RF says it is, what 
is he doing in Canada?

All these leftie 'lip service' experts are just as 'brilliant' as the ones of 
the right.


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