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To address your post:
> So your rebuttal was in the wrong
> mail.
HRG: No my reply was in the right thread. Because your remark about 'Bamons' 
was in the' Much Maigned Gulfie 'discussion - I did not put it there - you 
> I think that last sentence was most unwarranted and
> I'll tell you the reason why. Discrimination, biases,
> caste harassment, sexual harassment, are not about
> colour, caste or sex. They are all about power.
HRG: Thanks for explaining that to me! How did I live all these years 
without knowing that ?!
> One
> faction of society has it and the other is denied it.
> I can hardly be in a position to keep casteism alive
> and kicking. I don't have the power.
 HRG: Seems to me that you have the power to voice your opinion on this 
forum and every other power you would like to have! What powers would you 
like and what deters you from having them? Maybe we could help?

> If your analogy was true, every struggle or opinion
> voiced against casteism would be considered a strategy
> to keep it alive and ticking.
HRG: I am all for an intelligent discussion on castes/discrimination and its 
implication for the present state of education in Goa. But I won't stand for 
derision and anecdotal evidence as data. Your comments are offensive and 
there are probably others like me who found them so. They could be silent 
because 1) They don't want to deal with these polemics 2) Are too well bred 
to say so. 

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