Bharat Mukti Morcha wholeheartedly congratulates Greta Vaz
for her steadfast loyalty for people of Vanxim against Ozone co-operate
onslaught facilitated by Mahendra Gaunekar and Goa Archbishop Felipe Neri
Ferrao. Greta Vaz was elected to the Sao Mathias Panchayat in Tiswadi from
Vanxim island with overwhelming majority of votes at the last panchayat
elections in May 2012. She along with three other members of Panchayats formed
ruling panel in the seven member Panchayat body. She was to be the deputy 
then but the corporate agents worked hard against her taking this post and some
other person was pushed for this post with the informal arrangement that the 
posts of Sarpanch
and deputy Sarpach will be rotated after the gap of one year three months.

During this time number of attempts were made by Mahendra
Gaunekar and Ozone group to win her over to the corporate and ditch the
villagers. The ruling panel headed by Sarpanch Gurudas Bhomkar was even taken to
the Ozone office at Miramar and was asked to put up demands for a compromise.
Greta did not agree to move even an inch for a compromise and made it ample
clear to the corporate that she cannot be purchased over. This act of Greta
frustrated Mahendra Gaunekar and Ozone corporate. Umpteen numbers of calls made
and verbal messages were sent to her. She categorically rejected every offer 
Ozone. It was becoming terribly frustrating for the Ozone corporate. The
corporate had in the meanwhile had offered to pay over 40 lakh rupees for each
family with legal stakes. This was in addition to earlier payments in lakhs of
rupees accepted by some families of Vanxim. 

Greta Vaz had included in her election manifesto the
commitment to protect mangroves and water bodies of Vanxim including survey 
number 8 that
has been demarcated as settlement zone in RP2021.

In the meanwhile one year three months ended and the
rotation time approached. Corporate pressures coupled with other factors such 
as greed for power and money led to
refusal of Sarpanch Gurudas Bhomkar to step down as Sarpanch and make way for
remaining two ruling panel members Greta Vaz and Vaibhavi Sawant to taste
power. This generated tensions within the ruling panel. Allegations of 
began to be leveled against the Sarpanch and public restlessness spread across
Malar, Divar and Vanxim. Corporate and bamon raj agents kept toying the idea of
breaking the ruling panel and provoked political instability. It is visible
from the flow of events that corporate and Mahendra Gaunekar purchased ruling
as well as opposition in Malar panchayat leadership successfully.

 Sawant took a pretense that since Sarpanch of her
ruling panel is nor resigning and making way to her she would defect and
trigger vote of no-confidence against the Sarpanch and herself become 
Sarpanch with scant respect and adherence to ethics and fair play. 
Actually she is incapable
of planning, and fuctioned mostly as puppets of behind the scene 
operators. There were few behind the scene operators who were involved 
continues scheming and planning and controlling Vaibhavi Sawant. The 
was achieved successfully by keeping Greta Vaz in dark and Sarpanch 
term ended with passing of vote of no-confidence motion some weeks ago. 
Vaz publicly expressed her disagreements with the way her panel member 
Sawant has involved in back stabbing the ruling panel.

At this stage Maggie Silveira intervened and called for the
meeting of the ruling panel to sort out the confusion. Vaibhavi Sawant along
with Sarpanch and deputy sarpanch agreed to attend meet and sort out the
differences. Vaibhavi however changed her mind after consulting opposition
panel member and former sarpanch Tulsidas Kundoikar, a man who is seasoned in
practice of corruption of public funds and manipulation of Gram Sabha besides
successfully carrying on activities that promote bamon raj and corporate 
interest.  He has over 15 years experience in corruption
and public manipulation and thinks himself to be invincible. He was also 
involved in manipulating public and getting 500 people
 to Chief Town planner's office in Panjim by paying Rs.1000/- per person
 with his collaborator Mario Pinto from Divar. Vaibhavi based on input 
from Tulsidas backed off
from attending meeting called by Maggie Silveira and declared her 
support to
opposition panel headed by Kundoikar. She also declared that she will 
support Greta Vaz as deputy Sarpanch.

During this time of political uncertainly construction work
for retaining wall in Vanxim began. This happened despite the written 
objections against the same by 56 people of Vanxim on 23rd
2012. Investigations by Greta Vaz revealed that the permission to start 
work was given by her own panel Sarpanch Gurudas Bhomkar. Greta 
Bhomkar and heated exchanges sparked off. Bhomkar agreed to have given 
permission to start retaining wall over ruling the objections from 
people as well as his own panel member from Vanxim Greta Vaz. This 
behaviour of Bhomkar reduced his stature as office boy in Ozone office. 
What a shame! This supplies the
evidence that Gurudas Bhomkar too has been the recipient of fiduciary
considerations from Mahendra Gaunekar and/or Ozone corporate that 
in setting up SEZs. Greta shot the letters to the Executive Engineer, 
resource department and another one to Chief Minister Parrikar objecting
 to the
construction of retaining wall in Vanxim. No other member of Panchayat 
of Sao
Mathias has protested publicly. It can be safely concluded that directly
indirectly they have received favors from the corporate and that’s why 
entire Panchayat of Sao Mathias at Malar is collectively engaged in 
mockery of
democracy. Six out of Seven the members of Panchayat have internally 
themselves to the bamon raj and corporate agenda of Ozone. Only one who 
has not
sold herself is Greta Vaz.

So it looks that
barring Vanxim member of Panchayat Greta Vaz every member of Sao Mathias 
Panchayat is on the pay roll of
the corporate Ozone.

Greta filed her papers to contest for the post of deputy
Sarpanch. Elections were held on 21st February 2014 and Greta Vaz
was defeated. The entire corporate might stood against her. Yet 
refused to compromise interest of Vanxim. In Greta’s defeat lies lessons
victory of Vanxim against corporate and Bamon raj bullying. This is the 
way attempts are made to take away land from mulnivasi people by Bamon 

 Minister Parrikar has not ordered work on retaining wall in Vanxim so 
it can be safely guessed that he is also in favor of land grab. In fact 
he is also active collaborator along with Archbishop Ferrao. Both of 
them are Euressian Bamons.

 before mulnivasi people are to join together and fight back and push 
out the Eurasian from ruling India and Goa. Greta Vaz is an example and 
inspiration of this combat.

Jai Mulnivasi!

Maggie Silveira


Bharat Mukti Morcha

Goa State                                         

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