I remember the days in Bombay when "the height of" jokes were currency. For 
example: What is the height of imagination?  Answer: An ant climbing up an 
elephant with intent to rape.

So also the height with Micky. Here is a man who comes from a humble background 
but now owns 7 cars, undeterminable real estate and buildings and an account 
with a Swiss Bank, in all probability. He is bound to say that this money is 
inherited or gifted by an American widow with whom he is reported to have 
co-habited or some such tale.

Whatever the integrity of Indian IT officers, they are no fools and cannot be 
fobbed off with stories, or in this case bribery since the raids are high 
profile and directed from Delhi. Only submitting to political blackmail of the 
UPA govt will save him, if at all.

Now coming to the point, here is a politician as corrupt as they come in India 
and he had the gall to say that IT raids will hamper politicians. Only in 
Bharat, as they say.

I am not condoning selective targeting of guilty politicians (a redundancy 
since all Indian politicians are by nature guilty of some major crime or other, 
including corruption) since to be fair, if Micky is raided, so must all past 
and present politicians including the most notorious ones like Kamat, 
Narvemcar, Monserrate, the Alemao brothers and many many more.

However if this is not to be so, at least one is better than none.


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  • ... roland.francis
    • ... Jim Fernandes
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
        • ... Cyrus A. Jose Sanches
    • ... Bernardo de Sousa

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