Roland Francis:

why Modi at all? He is steel beneath the khadi and a person
of change. You need that to govern 1.2 billion people or you will get a
spineless person like Manmohan Singh who is a brilliant economist but a
vacillating politician of the ilk of Narasimha Rao but without his corruption.
Any more Singhs or worse and India will not be able to rise from the current
corruption morass. He is not unproven and most of all the people seem to want
him as their PM. They see the alternatives and shudder more at them than they
do at NaMo or what he can possibly bring.


Below is an article by Fr Cedric Prakash s.j. who is a Human Rights
activist and who has lived in Gujarat and witnessed and experienced
the pogrom of 2002 and events thereafter first hand unlike those based
overseas in the safe confines of good, civilised and democratic
governments. Here are some of his views.

The Signs are Ominous!

-Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

Three seemingly
unconnected incidents took place in various parts of India recently. On
Friday, 18th April, the BJP
party leader in Bihar, Giriraj Singh made a
categorical statement that “those who opposed Narendra
Modi had no place in India.
They would have to go to Pakistan
after the elections”. Earlier
in Visakhapatnam
on April 8th, BJP’s senior leader Venkaiah
Naidu said that “the BJP would
bring in an anti-conversion law to ban religious conversions all over the
country if it is voted to power in 2014 elections”. And on April 21st,
(Easter Sunday), the International working President of the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad (VHP).Dr. Pravin Togadia in a vicious speech in Rajkot (Gujarat)
demanded that Muslims vacate houses in the Hindu areas of the city.
Targeting a
Muslim businessman, Togadia
gave him 48 hours to vacate his house “if he does not relent”
he told the Hindu mobs “go with stones, tyres and tomatoes to his office”
(reported in
the Times of India ed. Ahmedabad, pg. 1, April 21st, 2014).

Very interestingly last
year, on March 21st, 2013, (Easter Sunday) in the Maninagar area of
Ahmedabad, Togadia
gave a call to a large gathering for the establishment of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’
(nation) stating that by 2015, Gujarat would be
the first ‘Hindu State’ of the country. Incidentally, Maninagar
is the constituency of Narendra Modi,
the BJP prime ministerial candidate (who still hopes to swear by the
Constitution of India) but till today has had no courage to take on Togadia
and to denounce what he has been saying and doing.
Though sections of the media make of an animosity between the two, the fact
that they have the same mindset and are born to the same ideology, leaves
no one in doubt.

The three incidents in
very different parts of the country have much in common. They primarily
the core Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) ideology which has spawned the BJP. It is
no secret that the BJP prime ministerial candidate Modi
was decided upon by the top brass of the RSS. That the ultimate desire of
RSS is the establishment of a ‘Hindu nation State’ is without a shadow of
doubt. Naidu’s comments in Visakhapatnam must be
seen in the same context.

In 2002, Modi raised the ‘bogey of conversion’ during his election
campaign in Gujarat and in 2003, he brought in the Gujarat Freedom of
Act which must be easily ranked as one of the most draconian laws in the
history of any democracy anywhere in the world. The law very blatantly says
that “if one wants to change his / her religion, one must
first seek the permission of the civil authority (the Collector)”.
This law clearly violates Article 25 of the Constitution of India and
18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

threats are not empty ones. In his ten-year plus rule in Gujarat,
Modi has been vindictive and vengeful. This can be
exemplified by several instances. In a hard-telling article in Live Mint
April, 2014), entitled ‘Narendra Modi
critics Expect No Quarter, No Mercy” states “What should
we expect from Modi Sarkar?
I predict no quarter and no mercy. He will continue his tyrannical (I use
word in a classical sense) ways as he has in Gujarat”.
So when Giriraj speaks the obvious,
however silly it sounds, he is only manifesting the fascist agenda of those
seek to rule us.

One cannot help but be
reminded of that immortal poem by the German Bertold
Brecht (1898-1956) ‘In Dark Times’.....In
hope, the struggle will continue indeed; even if the signs are ominous!

21st April,

(* Fr. Cedric
Prakash SJ is the Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmedabad
based Jesuit Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace)

Address: PRASHANT, Hill Nagar, Near Kamdhenu Hall, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad
- 380052

Phone: 79 27455913, 66522333 Fax:
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