By Nisser Dias
                                   3rd June 2014

Chief Minister seeks solace in commandments

The recent statement of the chief minister Manohar Parrikar that his
government will continue to usher in development in the state
irrespective of the voting pattern in the recent concluded
Parliamentary elections is not only welcomed but should be accepted it
the right spirit, just as he has accepted the voting model of  the

This is what is governance is all about. Bringing about development in
the entire state for the benefit of the people. Elections will come
and go but development should not be affected just because some
sections of the people in certain constituencies have not given a lead
to the current state government. There should be a distinct cut-off
line between affiliation to political parties and ushering in
development in the state because ultimately people irrespective of
which political party they support or vote for will praise the
government that is bringing in transformation in the state,
alleviating people centric issues and the indicators will surely swing
towards the government that looks at the larger picture rather than
broods over spilt milk.

The chief minister has struck a chord among Christians by saying that
he shall be guided by the commandment, “though shall love thy
neighbour” while developing Goa. Infact that should be the spirit;
elections should not be the barrier in for stopping development in
certain constituencies. With this principle Manohar Parrikar has shown
political maturity in seeing the elections results or voting pattern
in the right perspective.

 Having said that the CM had erred in comparing Jesuit priest Fr.
Cedric Prakash to right wing fundamentalist Ram Sene founder Pramod
Muthalik. He should have been a little more careful since the Parrikar
is the alumni of Jesuit institution. So he should have been cautious
while equating two identities, especially when Pramod Muthalik has a
proven record of promoting hatred, violence and Hindu nation. While
Fr. Prakash was cautioning voters about the fate of people in Gujarat
under then chief minister Narendra Modi’s government.

But anyway the chief minister has switched to love thy neighbour mode
sometime now and we had failed to take cognizance of it. Only when he
recited the Christian commandment that we realized that he has been
practicing in for some time now. It looks like he had started
practicing it when he forgave and made-up with his once sworn enemy
Dabolim MLA Mauvin Godinho. It is yet to know if they are best of
friends but surely like media puts it they are political foes turned

Politicians have a tendency to turn vindictive when they attain power.
The incumbent chief minister did show similar traits in his previous
two stints in power, but this time round he is showing a great deal of
political maturity and accepting criticism in the right spirit. He
might have reacted when the criticism was unwarranted but overall he
has maintained the composure and dignity that should go with
responsibility as the chief minister of the state.

But what has been noticed in the recent past is that while Manohar
Parrikar has been able to overcome anger or vindictiveness over
criticism against him but he still gets agitated over criticism
against the speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the Prime Minister
Narendra Modi. Can we forget his statement against activist advocate
Aires Rodrigues during the latter allegation against the speaker over
land issue where Parrikar said that if criticism is directed towards
him he can accept it but not against the Speaker of the august house
and that he would move a breach of privilege motion against the
lawyer. We are yet to know if the chief minister had any role to play
in the police seeking to arrest Devu Chodankar for his post against
the prime minister on Facebook? But then he did state that the arrest
was not required in the case but the police sought his custody only
when Devu did not respond to the summons.

Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar seems to be practicing forgiveness and
overcoming the urge to ‘get-back’ at his critics. Maybe his frequent
sojourns to Christian dominated Salcete must have helped him. But
Saxtticars are not known to be the forgiving type. They can hold on to
the anger and emotions for a long time and erupt when the opportunity
surfaces. Remember the clean ouster of the Alemao family from politics
during the assembly elections and more recently showing their anger at
most of the Salcete ministers and MLAs for being quite over the
airport at Mopa issue by giving the congress candidate a lead in the
parliamentary elections.

 But what is interesting is that the chief minister is ready to put
all this behind, keep the elections results aside and bring about
development in all the constituencies in the state irrespective of
BJP’s presence in the area. This is very interesting because it has
always been the constituencies of ministers and ruling MLAs that get
funds for development. But Chief Minister’s assurance that he wants to
develop all the constituencies in Goa is a welcome change.

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