Eisenhower built the mighty Interstate highway system.
They built a 1000 mile canal that brought Great Lake water
to the lettuce farms of California, using steam shovels in
the 1880's. Roosevelt gave a cheque and medicals to
the elderly.
Today the military-industrial complex buys elections
and stooge senators pay for star wars, bombers and
aircraft carriers. There is little spending on infrastructure.
They call Obama a communist as he attempts to reform.
India is held hostage by the Sikh-Jat military mafia.
The Sindhi haters want the nation to pay the price of their
never ending civil war with Muslims.
We are caught in the middle: no food, no roads, no
hospitals, and certainly no lakes/irrigation.

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: Pls trim the earlier digest version before replying to it.]

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