Sorry Goans didn't mean to hurt any body by calling names.....again sorry I 
will try to use Nawabs or Nizams instead of offence... I was 
trying to tell history as it is ....

I fully agree to the views of Mr.Eric in modern world
Eric wrote 'If religion mattered, Muslims would not have savaged each other in
Syria and Iraq.'



Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 09:36:41 -0700
From: eric pinto <>
To: "" <>,    ""
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Thanks Goanet.......'The Kadambas,    the Royals of
    south India, Our proud heritage,    the secrets of Velliapura'.
Dear Siyona, 
the destruction was the work of individual
colonialists. Many were not ethnic Indians, they were originally
marauders from Uzbeg country and beyond. Sadly, religion can be used to rouse 
the rabble. The Moghul Empire spawned satraps
who were generals with their own ambitions, becoming nawabs
and Nizams. Remember, Gaekwad/Bhonsle/Holkar made conquests
deep into India, beyond the Maratta homeland.
If religion mattered, Muslims would not have savaged each other in
Syria and Iraq. 

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