On Wed, 8/6/14, roland.francis wrote:
> Send me your people recommendations Mervyn. I'll take over fron there. 
> I'll be fair, that much I will promise.

I would not mind spoon feeding you. However, can you give your project a try on 
your own first before you come asking me for help?

On Thu, 8/7/14, Jose wrote:
Mogal Mervyn,
>  Would you be kind enough to please direct me to the site or post wherein
>  Leo Rebello has claimed precisely what you claim he has claimed?
>  BTW: Why bring in Leo into a topic relating to this Canadian Goans topic?

Doc Colaco,
Dr. Leo Rebello is a most interesting character. If you google his name, you 
will find tens of thousands of links. If you have tried and failed, I do not 
mind showing you how to find the precise post you require. In the meantime, I 
having fun watching the You-tube video's sent to me on how he will become 
President of India. His comedy is better that Russell Peter's.

As for your second question, let me reiterate that no Goan living in Canada 
self-award himself with distinction. Actually, I do not think a Goan living 
anywhere would do so either. The only exception I know is Dr. Leo.


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