2014 has already seen a cataclysmic shift in Indian politics with the
rise of Narendra Modi's BJP, but even that milestone takes second
place to another, related phenomenon—by the end of this year, there
will be more internet users in India than in the USA, a paradigmatic
change of incalculable significance.

After many years trailing China and the developed world in web
connectivity—there were just 10 million Indians online as recently as
2005—the tsunami of affordable smartphones flooding the country is now
bringing 5 million new Indian users onto the internet every month.

In New Delhi earlier this week, managing director of Google India,
Rajan Anandan said "by 2018, India will have twice the number of
internet users as the US. Almost half the country will be connected
through the internet. A lot of people talk about the last elections
and how urban India was mobilized. We have seen nothing yet in terms
of what the internet can do to every aspect of life, of society and of
governance. By the next elections almost half-a-billion Indians will
be connected. In terms of the kind of mobilization, can you imagine
what it can do?"

In the West, and other Asian countries like China, Japan and
especially South Korea, mass access to the internet has completely
remade the economic, cultural and social landscape. Tiny start-up
companies have become value juggernauts, vaulting far upstream to
surpass heavyweights that have been around for generations. There are
now clear signs that the same historic cycle is taking place in India.

Flipkart started operations just six years ago. Though it has become
India's largest internet retailer, it was founded by Sachin Bansal and
Binny Bansal (they are not related) as a small online bookstore.
Today, the company employs almost 10,000 people, including hundreds of
brand new 'crorepatis.' That is because Flipkart is now valued between
six and seven billion dollars—even India's biggest real estate company
DLF can't compete—and just days ago announced a billion dollars in new
funding, one of the largest rounds in world financial history.

That's very big news. But it was immediately overshadowed the very
next day by an announcement from (where the Bansals once
worked). Although the global leader entered India late, its chief
executive Jeff Bezos said "India is on track to be our fastest country
ever to a billion dollars in gross sales." He confirmed plans to
double storage capacity and open five more warehouses. Amazon will
invest two billion dollars in India so "our team can continue to think
big, innovate, and raise the bar for customers in India".

Beyond the presence of these instant behemoths, a vista of golden
opportunities faces every single Indian coming onto the internet in
this wide-open time of unlimited potential.

One of the most popular technology writers, Kevin Kelly of Wired says
"there has never been a better time in the whole history of the world
to invent something. There has never been a better time with more
opportunities, more openings, lower barriers, higher benefit/risk
ratios, better returns, greater upside, than now. Right now, this

That spirit of trying something new on the Net is everywhere in Goa.
New in-state retailers like and have
many loyal customers, and most restaurants and bars handle most of
their marketing and advertising via Facebook.

There are other unique efforts, such as the spirited, 365-days-a-year
digital cataloguing of all aspects of Goan culture by the purposefully
anonymous JoeGoaUK, who uses networks like Goanet, and archival sites
like Flickr and Youtube to terrific effect. His immense bank of images
of restaurant fish-curry-and-rice plates is by itself a mesmerizing
artistic/cultural achievement.

But as the record of every other place indicates, the winners of
India's race to capitalize on the internet will bank on much more than
just good intentions, talent and energy. It takes an ecosystem of
infrastructure and networks to succeed. Here, despite every advantage,
Goa lags. This state consistently misses out, even as other parts of
the country benefit.

In this regard, it was the same MD of Google India, Rajan Anandan,
whose meeting with CM Manohar Parrikar in June included an offer to
"3D map" Goa, and "sponsor or incubate 1,000 IT start-ups". Also
present was Nitin Kunkolienkar, who said "every business and shop can
get connected to the globe. Google will create everything. The
government only has to facilitate this."

 All this sounded exactly like what Goa needs, and hopes were raised
when the CM himself said "we are likely to meet again at the end of
July". It's time for an update and progress report.

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