Stop the Undermining of Reservations:

An Open Letter on the recent recruitment at Goa University

This open letter is intended to express our concern at the improper
implementation of the national policy of reservations at Goa University
(GU). In June 2014 it was reported that there had been serious violations
of the system of reservations in recruitment as laid down in the
Constitution. It now appears that the problem is deeper than first

To provide a brief summary of the reports: Nearly a year ago, in September
2013, the University had, through an advertisement, invited applications
for 68 regular posts of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant
Professor, along with 4 temporary posts of like nature. Of the 68 posts, a
total of 29 were reserved for Other Backward Castes (OBCs), Scheduled
Tribes (STs), and Scheduled Castes (SCs), plus another 7 for non-caste

The 4 temporary posts had no reservations. These positions in the reserved
category were opened to candidates from outside Goa, even though the
Constitution clearly stipulates that the reservation is for locals. The
reason is simple: the injustice and discrimination are local, hence the
remedy or compensation has to be local. Hence, the percentage of jobs to be
reserved is based on the state-wise population of the community.

Not only is there clarity in the law on this point, the same was also
apparently pointed out by the University’s screening committee itself on
the application forms of candidates.

Documents obtained from GU under the RTI ( Right to Information) Act by
concerned parties show that at least one application of a candidate from
outside Goa in the OBC category was marked ‘Eligible under General
category, OBC not from G’. Despite this, the University opted to interview
and then appoint ineligible candidates; in other words, this violation of
the law seems to have been knowingly carried out.

Fortunately, these improper appointments were challenged by local
applicants, and also criticised in the local press, after which they were
apparently withdrawn. However, no new appointments have yet been made from
among the eligible candidates.

But this is just the beginning of the story. According to further
information obtained through RTI applications, the discrimination against
STs, SCs and OBCs in the Goa University goes beyond these latest
appointments, to the very method by which the reserved posts are
calculated. To put it simply, the University seems to have ignored the
reserved quota as shown in the University Roster, the document which is
meant to record the implementation of reservations in jobs.

The Subversion of the Roster

As a result of continued and blatant subversion of the reservation scheme
by various institutions, including universities across India, the Supreme
Court in 1995 mandated a post-based recruitment roster for a single cadre
across all departments. This resulted in the creation in July 1997 of the
current 200 point post-based roster, which would ensure that the number of
reserved positions would be filled according to the legal quota.

The GU Roster is not generally open to public scrutiny, despite being a
document of great importance to the public. Following the recruitment mess
described above though, RTI applications were made to view the Roster. The
document obtained was incomplete and appears to have problems, for example,
it reveals that the total number of posts in the cadre of Professors are 31
(all having been occupied at some time or the other), but shows the posts
only up to serial number of “09”. The other posts are just not shown.
Hence, when calculating the backlog it is calculated on the basis of a
strength of 9 and not 31. The backlog of reservations are hence
proportionately reduced to 30% of what they should be.

There are other such ‘errors’. But we are for the moment going to leave
that aside. What we want to point to is the total backlog. The total
backlog of reserved posts that have not been filled, according to this
Roster, for all the three cadres, namely Assistant Professor, Associate
Professor, and Professor, amounts to 41 vacancies. Normally when a
recruitment drive is held, the total number of posts will be divided into
‘general’ and ‘reserved’ according to the percentages laid out by the
government, up to a maximum of 50% reserved. But if there is a backlog of
vacancies, things change. According to Article 16(4B) of the Constitution
of India, and the order O. M. No. 36012/5/97-Estt(Res).VoI.II dated
20.7.2000 (following Article 16 (4B) vide the Constitution (81st Amendment)
Act, 2000) the backlog of reserved vacancies of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and
Scheduled Tribes (STs) & OBCs should be treated as a separate and distinct
group. They should not be considered together with the reserved vacancies
of the year in which they are filled for the purposes of determining the
ceiling of 50% reservation on the total number of vacancies for that year.
In other words, although the total number of reservations is not to exceed
50% of the seats, this does not include the backlog of 41 positions. This
backlog should be first accounted for, and the remaining posts divided into
‘general’ and ‘reserved’.

So, if there were 68 positions advertised, 41 of these would have been
reserved for the purpose of reducing the backlog of vacancies. The
remaining 27 positions should have been divided according to 54% general
and 46% reserved. This means that the reserved positions would have been
approximately 13 plus the backlog of 41, i.e. a total of 54.

But the University ignored the backlog. The result was that the total
reserved positions at 36 is even less than the backlog of 41 reserved
posts, and much less than the 54 that it should be. Meanwhile, the
proportionate increase in the general category has risen from 14 to 36
positions! A number of candidates from the General category therefore
benefited illegitimately (though inadvertently), being appointed to
positions that ought to have been filled by local candidates from the
Scheduled groups.

A related issue is that the University appears to have no Temporary Post
Roster, which means that temporary posts can be filled without ensuring
that reservation quotas are met. As a result, four temporary posts (of two
year tenure) were also advertised during the current recruitment period and
filled by general category candidates.

Finally, the method of distribution of all these permanent posts between
the different categories was not transparent.

Conclusions and Demands

The University claims today that it was not aware of the relevant legal
positions. This, as we explained above, is difficult to believe. In any
case, it is an established legal principle that the ignorance of the law is
not a valid excuse. The whole mess in fact seems to have been done
knowingly, out of a desire to scuttle the Constitutionally-guaranteed
policy of

reservations. It also reveals the brazen manner in which casteism continues
to prevail within Goa University. Let us not forget that this ‘lack of
awareness’ provided the general category – which means the dominant castes
– at least 20 positions extra in the current recruitment.

If such attempts are allowed to be successful, casteist injustice and the
deprivation of the legitimate rights of the SC, ST, and OBC communities of
Goa will continue for decades to come, if not longer.

We hence demand that the Government of Goa moves appropriately to ensure
that the Goa University immediately,

1. Strikes down all the appointments in the general category in the
recruitment that followed the advertisement of September 2013, and
compensates the appointees for the loss.

2. Appoints the eligible candidates in the reserved category who were
diligent enough to protest the improprieties, and protects their rights
based on the marks obtained at the interview; or, if there was only one
candidate, appoints her/him directly.

3. Prepares the University Roster afresh, rectifying the backlog of
reserved positions and vacancies for candidates from Scheduled communities;
and makes it public before any further advertisement for recruitment; also
checks the Rosters of all affiliated colleges and makes them public.

4. Institutes an inquiry into the entire recent round of recruitment to fix
responsibility for the improprieties, and ensures that all those who were
associated with this round are not involved in the process of recruiting

Signed by,

1. Amita Kanekar, historian

2. Dr Albertina Almeida, advocate and human rights activist

3. Thalmann Pradeep Pereira, advocate and trade unionist

4. Chrissie D’Costa, researcher in applied linguistics

5. Augusto Pinto, Associate Professor, S.S.Dempo College of Com. & Econ.

6. Dr Anjali Arondekar, Associate Professor, Univ. of California at

7. Dr Anibel Ferus-Comelo, policy analyst

8. Dr Mukul Pai Raiturkar, doctor

9. Hartman de Souza, theatre director, teacher, and writer

10. Lucano Alvares, translator

11. Joao Fernandes, advocate and human rights activist

12. Rahul Srivastava, urbanologist and writer

13. Dadu Mandrekar, writer, poet, and artist

14. Auda Viegas, women’s rights activist

15. Fr. Dr. Victor Ferrao, Dean of Philosophy, Rachol Seminary

16. Dr Rochelle Pinto, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies

17. Anjali Sen Gupta, consultant editor

18. Dr Mariette Correa, researcher

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