Hi all

When walking around Panjim it is quite easy to fall into knee high drains meant 
I suppose for rain water.   The only crossing is two or three stone slabs.   
What appears to be the problem here and all over in Goa is people dropping 
litter and not anybody else or Government agency.   The rains have come and 
nature's way will have washed the floors and streets of Goa sweeping all the 
litter into the drainage system causing blockages to the water floor.   This 
would have led to floods and misery to victims who may themselves have been the 
cause.   Hence the urgent need for the introduction of the litter picker.   
Picking and disposing of litter does not have to be back breaking work. 

Also it is possible to pick litter with bare hands as was observed at the 
recent India Republic Day celebrations in London where our Goykars were 
gainfully employed picking litter with no gloves, a healthy and safety breach 
in the UK which was ignored.

With rains gone and the boys back from Brazil, perhaps the green shoots of 
football will take root in all our towns and villages enhancing teamwork.

Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, Unitd Kingdom

2 September 2014

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