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>>someone, somewhere learns a 
>> Blessed Joseph Vaz cause for canonization
>>A Solemn High Mass in honour of Blessed Joseph Vaz (1651-1711) Apostle of 
>>Kanara and Sri Lanka, Patron of the Archdiocese of Goa is being celebrated on 
>>Saturday 27th Sept 2014 at 11 am at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, 2950 
>>Midland Ave, Scarborough Ontario M1S 3K8. All invited. Thereafter the 
>>congregation  is invited to a "Meet and Greet" in the Church hall. 
>>The service is being organised by supporters for the cause of Blessed Joseph 
>>Vaz in Toronto, and  initiated by The Joseph Naik Institute in Berkeley, 
>>California. The  Institute is sponsoring a Mass and celebration in Rome on 
>>September 23rd, 2014 for the 329th Anniversary of the founding of the Oratory 
>>of St. Philip Neri in Goa by Blessed Joseph Vaz (see below).
>>Please pass this message to your family, relatives and friends.
>>Re: The Blessed Vaz cause for canonization
>>The Joseph Naik Vaz Institute is sponsoring a Mass and celebration in Rome on 
>>September 23rd, 2014 for the 329th Anniversary of the founding of the Oratory 
>>of St. Philip Neri in Goa by Blessed Joseph Vaz. The Mass will be held at the 
>>historic Oratorian church in Rome, Chiesa Nuova. All are invited to attend or 
>>sponsor a Companion Mass in your local parish on or around Sept 23. See 
>>details at 
>>http://www.josephnaikvaz.org/images/Sept%2023%20Vaz%20Invitation.pdfSo far 
>>approximately 20 companion masses around the world are being said on or 
>>around Sept 23 in a massive show of support for Blessed Vaz's cause for 
>>The main celebrant will be Rev. Mario Avilés, C.O. Procurator General of the 
>>Oratory of St. Filipe Neri worldwide. One of the concelebrant's will be a 
>>representative of Cardinal Tauran, head of the Pontifical Council for Inter 
>>religious Dialogue.
>>The liturgy will be coordinated by the Archbishop of Goa's representative, 
>>Fr. Agnelo Mascarenhas S.J. 
>>The Intentions of the Mass are: 
>>• The commemoration of the beginning of the Congregation of the Oratory of 
>>St. Philip Neri in Goa, on September 25,1685 by Blessed Joseph Vaz, C.O.
>>• For the canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz, C.O. Apostle of Kanara and Sri 
>>• For the success of the Pope's visit to Sri Lanka and to the Philippines in 
>>January 2015
>>Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith of Sri Lanka and the Bishops of Sri Lanka, together 
>>with the Bl. Joseph Vaz National Secretariat, have assigned September 14th to 
>>be a Sri Lanka wide day of prayer for the Cause of Canonisation and in Praise 
>>& Thanksgiving for the gift to Blessed Joseph Vaz. They are requesting Goa to 
>>join them on this day of prayer. We invite all friends and devotees of Bl. 
>>Joseph Vaz to participate in this Sri Lanka Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving 
>>for Blessed Joseph Vaz on Sept. 14. See Cardinal Ranjith's message at 
>>Thank you.
>>Joseph Naik Vaz Institute
>> Posted by: George Pinto <georgejpi...@yahoo.com>  THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every 
>> individual has a place to fill in the world, and is important in some 
>> respect, whether he chooses to be so or not.

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