Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar who is now well accustomed not to speak the
truth has made a very false claim that he had no hand in divesting Goa CBI
Court Judge PV Sawaikar of his powers to hear corruption cases under the
Prevention of Corruption Act.

It is an open challenge to the Chief Minister to place in public domain the
entire correspondence leading to the issuance of that controversial
notification dated 7th October divesting Judge Sawaikar of his powers. The
very vindictive Manohar Parrikar in association with his like minded
Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni are adopting high-handed tactics in
attempting to intimidate and brow beat judges into submission. This cannot
be allowed.

The process to strip Judge Sawaikar of his powers to hear corruption cases
was initiated on Sunday August 30th at the swearing in ceremony of Goa
Governor Mridula Sinha at Raj Bhavan when Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar
complained to the Bombay High Court Chief Justice Mohit Shah about Judge
Sawaikar and sought his removal from hearing corruption related cases.

In the last session of the Goa Legislative Assembly the Chief Minister had
taken pot-shots at Judge Sawaikar. If the government is aggrieved by an
order of a Judge it should exercise its right to legally challenge it,
rather than resorting to such appalling uncalled for interference in the
functioning of the Judiciary.

The tendency of politicians to settle scores with Judges is deplorable.
Judge Sawaikar has been kept languishing for over a year without an
official car and residential accommodation This  sordid state of affairs
where even Judges are at the mercy of the politicians for their rightful
amenities is a matter of concern.

Questionable is the motive of not appointing another Judge to the Goa CBI
Court if the Government wanted Judge Sawaikar out. By transferring the
corruption cases to an already much over burdened Principal North Goa
District Judge all the corruption cases will now move at a snail’s pace to
the advantage of the corrupt.

This move by the government is contrary to the directives of the Supreme
Court to set up the Special CBI Courts to fast track corruption cases. All
these mind boggling and very disturbing facts will be brought to the notice
of the Supreme Court while seeking the independent functioning of the
Judiciary free from political misadventures.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




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