There is no question of sidelining or political surgery.
It is unfortunate but true that our Hon. MP Shripad Naik though a good man is 
unable to produce results. He was given the post for reasons other then 
performance and given time to prove himself.
Regarding Mr Parsekar, 
1) The speaker Hon Mr Arlekar is too rigid, and there is a small problem 
regarding finances
2) The Deputy CM Hon Francis D'Souza though the right man for the post is 
plagued with health issues 
3) Mr Sudin Dhavlikar Hon PWD minister is of the MGP
4) Most BJP MLA's are inexperienced for the post 
5) Best Choice Mr Parsekar Hon. CM.

As far as taking Manohar Bab's advice there is absolutely no issue. There was 
insufficient time for a handing/ taking over. Is it any wonder our Hon. CM is 
at sea? 
Further more a state such as Goa is too complex to be governed by a newbie and 
who else to give the advice and direction then Manohar Bab.
I have been a keen follower of Manohar Bab, and i am of the firm opinion that 
he has his heart in the right place. His love for Goa and all things Goan is 
without doubt. He has successfully navigated the mine field of illegalities in 
various sectors that were handed to him. Many real estate issues and other 
illegalities were caused by certain people in the previous working hand in 
glove with the crooks, this unholy alliance bought Goa to its knees. He has 
held the state together through a grave financial crises, and most importantly 
he has made efforts to bridge the gap between goans. This is a great 
One has only to drive through Goa to see the changes, read the papers to 
realise that he has taken the power crises by the throat and already ensured 
that within the next few years unnecessary power cuts will be a thing of the 
past. The cash and carry attitude of a blind Govt and the belief in 
entitlements for work done was slowly but surely being eradicated. The unwieldy 
bureaucracy that was a law unto itself was shedding its sloth and indifference. 
All in all Manohar Bab did a great Job and was a blessing to Goa at a time Goa 
needed a saviour. 
His elevation is a recognition of his Hard work, Dedication and getting things 
done attitude. His sharp mind and ability to think clearly and with foresight 
under stress, makes him the perfect person for the post of Defence Minister, 
the Hottest seat in the Govt, he will make all Goans and Indians proud. We are 
indeed fortunate to have a man like him in Goan politics. 
As is the way of the world Manohar cannot keep everyone happy, but he has put 
the state and its people on a firm foundation after pulling us out of dungheap. 
One only hopes the new Hon CM will carry Goa forward under the watchful and 
benevolent care of our Manohar Bab.

Cyrus Sanches

Sets me free, my iPad3

> On 10-Nov-2014, at 07:19, Aires Rodrigues <> wrote:
> Goa has a new Chief Minister but no governance.  In an awfully bad start
> the new Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar has bald-facedly proclaimed that
> the portfolios of his Ministers will be allotted only later this week in
> consultation with Manohar Parrikar.
> As allotment of portfolios should be the sole prerogative of the Chief
> Minister it is now a very clear indication that Laxmikant Parsekar will be
> swinging as a puppet on the string in being a dummy Chief Minister. This is
> Political bankruptcy to the hilt. Acute signs and symptoms that by being a
> lame duck Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar will only add to the mountain
> of that mess that Manohar Parrikar has left behind.
> Ironically Manohar Parrikar who over the last two and a half years kept Goans
> entertained with his empty talk of Special Status for Goa will today file
> his nomination to be elected as a Member of Parliament to the Rajya Sabha
> from Uttar Pradesh.
> On the other hand the North Goa MP Shripad Naik who has over the years been
> craftily sidelined and pushed to the corner by his bête noire Manohar
> Parrikar has now been further isolated in being divested of his current
> prized portfolio of Tourism & Culture and sedated by being relegated as
> Minister for Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and
> Homoeopathy (AYUSH). A well orchestrated devious political surgery by
> Manohar Parrikar.
> Aires Rodrigues
> Advocate High Court
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat,
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
>                         Or
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

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