JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Global Goan Convention Expenses: Over Rs. 8 Lakhs
> spent on  Award Recipients' Air Fare/Hotel
> Accommodation etc
> 1. Economy Class Air Fare to award recipients:
> Rs.3,26,,975 (reimbursed to 5)
> 2. Hotel accommodation to abv and Heads of
> diplomatic missions: R.5,13,000.
> 3. Transport.....Rs.1,47, 892
> 4. Event Management...Rs.5,44,907
> 5. Trophies to 1. above ....Rs.1,12,410
> 6. Momentos & Souvenirs..... Rs.6,67,480
> 7. Exhibition of Goan Arts/paintings...Rs.1,36,300
> 8. Printing and Stationery......Rs.32,893
> 9. Advertisement and Publicity... Rs.2,52,600
> Total: 34,37,732
> =========================
> Taken from today's GT (info obtained under RTI)

1) The above numbers to not add to Rs. 34,37,732
Creative accounting or no one pays attention to

2) Rs. 34,37,732 is appox US$78,000.00? 

Don't forget there are also expenses after the
delegates go home as now there is a video to produce,
etc. I am looking forward to the video scene where
they arrest a delegate. That should take us all back
to the good ol' Goa and Salazar years.  

> JoeSays:
> The  so called 'recipients' are they really Goans?

I think the real question is: "Do the people of Goa
really have this kind of money to waste on

The question that really concerns me though is: "Would
any NRI invest in India now that the Goan NRI
commissioner has made it clear he has no hesitation in
arresting people without charges?" 


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