Message: 7
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 10:36:11 +0530
From: Sam Furtado <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Dear Stephen Dias,

Greetings to you.

You are absolutely right in your per se on "Migrants Editors Must be
Shunted out of Goa" who are not doing justice in publishing facts of Goans
writers as to the state Affairs at al.

I fully support and endorse what you have written is right and rightly
pointed out these bad elements (editors) must be shunted out of Goa itself
as they are only interested in their own welfare rather serve the cause of
the people.

In a democratic country we have all rights to express our feelings, our
opinions when something is not right in a society or whomsoever does wrong
and not true justice to the citizen of the nation..

These so called nincompoops editors or should i call them bad elements are
firstly biased and secondly concerned to line their own cause and their
purse strings.

Hats to You be fair and square.

Sam Furtado

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 7:32 AM, Stephen Dias <>

> I have noticed that we have at least two migrants Editors of local
> newspapers in Goa, who are not in tune with the Goan interest and that
> certain Goan writers including me are not been considered by them that
> their letters or articles for publishing , as they feel it is their own
> prerogative. Both  these MIGRANT Editors are coward  and must leave GOA
> immediately  as they fail to do justice for the journalism. I have been
> writing several letters/articles for the  public Goan interest and that
> both these Editors things that these are not worth publishing as they take
> it as personal, but others  have taken up. People of Goa knows well what
> good and bad, and which paper is worth reading, I do not care for both
> these papers as long as these migrants Editors are on the job. Even Goan
> Sub-Editors and best reporters who were working earlier for these papers
> are against these MIGRANT EDITORS  and left both these papers as they are
> jealous because they may become one day Editors in these papers. Lots of
> politics and ill feelings among their employees have been created by
> these Migrants
> Editors and they are unhappy working in these papers. There are some few
> Goan writers  are allowed or accepted to publish their articles or letters
> in their papers,  probably they must be after these particular migrants
> Editors who satisfy them. Or they do not get good local material  ( news)
> or stuff for publishing. Thank GOD , I am happy at least these few writers
>  are voicing Goans issues. Many  good Goan writers are been kept aside and
> stopped publishing.
> Hats off to NIZ  GOENKAR Editor who took up this latest article of By
> Election of Panjim , as TWO migrants Editors failed to publish. We want a
> good Candidate for PANJIM by election seat and not corrupt.
> We need good Editors also in Goa, and not idiots, of course there are some
> Editors although they are NON  GOANS  but they are sincere and have kept
> Goans at high esteem and having good reputation in Goa for years, as their
> papers are of TOP ClASS,.
> Both these papers where bad migrants Editors are working , reputation of
> paper is now going down.
>  Goans  adore  NON GOANS Editors also who are good.
> It is not worth naming those two bad Migrants Editors  as they are stupid.
> Stephen Dias
> D.Paula
> By Election For Panjim Seat by Stephen Dias, Dona Paula
> Friday - Nov 28, 2014
> [image: By Election For Panjim Seat by Stephen Dias, Dona Paula]
> In view of mounting pressure by various parties mainly BJP, Congress and
> Independent certain candidatures are keen in getting elected as MLA
> position for the Panjim seat, due to sudden assignment of our Chief
> Minister of Goa Manohar Parrikar to go to Delhi as a Defence Minister by
> the Union Government. This vacancy is now created for the Panjim seat and
> many candidates are eyeing for this position. What could be the criteria
> for such an interest when a great leader Parrikar could not complete
> anything during his tenure but in fact he left many projects/jobs
> incomplete?
> Whoever is elected there is definitely a personal interest as there are
> many enough pending cases to keep them happy although hardly less tenure
> left to complete its term of this present BJP Government.
> The following are the pending issues/projects which can be categorized in
> two different parts;
> *First part:*
> St Ines Creek, Shifting of Casinos from Mandovi river, Underground Sewage
> work, 11 KV High Tension underground cabling, Water line removal from old
> plastic pipes to a new non corrosive metal piping, Panjim roads
> concretization as well areas in Taleigao , Merces and the whole of
> Captain of Ports Jetty, Shifting of Sharad Mandir School as it is found
> always crowded along with the foot Bridge, Dona Paula Jetty up gradation,
> GMC Bambolim Hospital up gradation, Patto to St. Cruz over bridge,
> of Casinos, City Parking, Garbage problems, Traffic lights in Panjim,
> Shunting out of Panjim of Military buildings and other occupancies, and Up
> gradation of whole of Panjim as per the CCP plan, Panjim New Market
> development, city drainage etc.
> *Second Part:*
> CCP staff salaries, Collection of House rent, Pay Parking, Water for 24
> hrs, Uninterrupted Electricity power supply, Dredging of Mandovi river,
> Archives on line, Taxis and Autos compliances with meter and GPS with call
> facility centre, Tenancy acts amendment, football stadium ground shifting
> to Merces by naming it as Modi Stadium instead of Bandodkar stadium at
> Campal as it will be this city severely congested with traffic on the main
> road Miramar to Panjim,   Fixing of proper House Rent, Miramar Beach
> cleanness, Pollution Control and Environment solution, Goa State
> Authority not yet properly functional ( GCZMA), Unemployment , Govt.
> important offices on line, FDA not properly functional etc
> We see, enthusiastic players having plans of jumping from one party to
> another or even withdrawals at the last moment to get their benefit to a
> certain interested candidate, because this position of MLA in Panjim
> appears to be a lucrative post. There are few who have already been seen
> earlier buttering Parrikar by giving flowers bouquets and hugging him
> openly. If at all someone who do not agree with me, it is for them to know
> a proverb in Portuguese ?Adjusta o Carapuso ?it means the hat if it suits
> them. Parrikar has already taught a lesson for U-turn technology and now
> they are experts.
> If at all you question them a immediate answer comes THIS IS POLITICS. Let
> us wait and see; what we require for the Panjim seat is a candidate with
> good moral character, sincere, intelligent, educated and non-corrupt.
> stephen dias,d.paula
> social worker and panjimite

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