There are many points in Diana's post that I agree with.

To use an analogy: I remind myself never to pay too much attention to the
freshly baked mini-loaves / slices of bread that the waiter brings to a
table at some restaurants. Even if I am 'starvando'.I prefer to wait for
the entree.

In the public arena, my experience is that 'statements' made by
spokespersons are a distraction. All it does is keep well meaning activists
busy.....until the next time.

I'd submit that anytime some spokepersonish bread is served, there is an
entree around.

Very soon, all will be forgotten and glorious bhaxans will be made -
telling Goans how fortunate they are...and have been - to just be in these
times. That, and the customary articles in the newspapers and on Goanet.
Please stay tuned.

On a personal note, I would re-read world history before I disregard the
'fait accompli'.

the best to you


On 16 December 2014 at 09:36, Edwin/Diana Pinto <> wrote:
>   I have no doubt that Wilfred Mesquita is an extremely nice person in
> person and one who will do NO personal harm to another (perhaps not even in
> self defence). Hence he has such loyal friends like Jose Colaco.  However,
> I have not addressed him in his personal capacity nor have I insinuated
> that he was personally corrupt.  I have responded to  issues  raised in the
> public domain by Dr. Mesquita himself on behalf of his party and his
> government.  If he and Jose Colaco want me to leave his pronouncements
> alone, then they should not be made in the public domain on issues that are
> of extremely important public relevance.
> I am least interested in Mesquita’s political or personal history, but in
> actions of the government of which he is the spokesperson, that affect us
> as a community in Goa. And I remain hopeful that Jose Colaco will permit me
> my opinion as he has graciously permitted Mesquita his. Unlike Mesquita and
> Jose Colaco, I do not believe in ‘fait accompli’ until it is actually
> accomplished. And despite Jose Colaco’s touching concern, I am sure that
> Dr. Wilfred Mesquita is quite capable of taking the heat - hence he has
> become the spokesperson of HMV.
> Diana
>  *From:* Jose Colaco <>
>  *Sent:* Tuesday, December 16, 2014 6:41 PM
> *To:* Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! <>
> *Cc:* Edwin/Diana Pinto <>
> *Subject:* Re: [Goanet] Dr. Wilfred Mesquita's doublespeak
>  In response to Edwin/Diana Pinto's post:
> 1: I know Wilfred Mesquita, personally. He is an extremely nice person, in
> person, and one who will do NO personal harm to another....except perhaps
> in self defence.
> 2: He is also a professional. His main profession is 'Politician'.
> 3: Basically, he is an MG; Never mind the record that he is now a BJP
> after he was a Congress after he was an MG etc etc.
> 4: Look at his political history. He has been a consummate survivor of
> many a political upheaval. In short, a Man for Any Season. Is that any
> different from any of the others who pulled one coup after another in
> post-1961 Goa in order to suit their own political, financial and power
> interests?
> 5: To his credit and to the best of my knowledge, Willie is not personally
> corrupt. He never was. You agree or not?
> 6: So, please leave his pronouncements alone. He is hardly speaking for
> himself. He is not the owner of HMV, just a convenient patron.
> 7: Willie was never a great debater or presenter...never. And he will tell
> you that. But, like his Pa (Maurelio), he is a shrewd reader of the 'tea
> leaves'. He knows that in the field of politics, the electorate is fickle,
> very fickle. For, one can do all the good there is to do, there is no such
> thing as a discerning and loyal electorate. So, Willie looks after Willie.
> I support him for looking after himself.
> 8: About Dabolim/MOPA et al,  I believe that from his vantage point
> residence a near stone's throw from Dabolim Airport, he knows two things:
> (a) The Navy ain't giving back Dabolim to Goans; the "spoils of war"  are
> almost never returned. (b) Mopa will happen.:
> 9: So, being the ultimate pragmatist, Willie has accepted the inevitable
> as a 'fait accompli' and is acting accordingly the interest of
> Willie.
> 10: I write this, not because I agree with Willie's politics but because I
> agree with his assessment of things present and things in the near future.
> jc
> On 16 December 2014 at 00:22, Edwin/Diana Pinto <>
> wrote:
>> As the BJP Party spokesperson, it is quite easy to understand Dr. Wilfred
>> Mesquita’s convoluted logic in defending the indefensible as far as his
>> party government is concerned. Dr. Mesquita should surely appreciate
>> however, that the people find it very hard to buy his argument that
>> “corruption still persists in the state which is difficult to curtail since
>> most Goans refrain from complaining”. After all, the BJP government seems
>> to have no problem in bulldozing the second airport project at Mopa,
>> despite all the Goans who have not “refrained” from complaining. These
>> Goans have asked pertinent, relevant and very troubling questions about the
>> viability and the environmental repercussions of this project, which Dr.
>> Mesquita’s government has chosen not to answer, exposing clearly just how
>> much it cares about Goans who complain or “refrain” from complaining. In
>> fact Dr. Mesquita himself was one of the Goans who did not “refrain” from
>> complaining about this Mopa airport project some years ago when he stood
>> shoulder to shoulder with Churchill Alemao.
>> The Goa BJP government’s standards of “good governance” are clearly
>> exposed when it admits that for the past two and a half years, it has not
>> been able to find a qualified Lokayukta in the whole country. What about
>> the Regional Plan, the Mining issue, the totally ineffective Garbage
>> Management even after Goan taxpayers have funded MLA’s “garbage study”
>> junkets abroad?  Dr. Mesquita’s government cannot even push through the
>> promised Special Status for Goa after two and a half years and getting
>> their own Party government at the Centre. The excuses for Dr. Mesquita’s
>> government’s non performance have now run out.
>> The BJP government is sleepwalking through its term, probably because of
>> the lack of a robust opposition which has deluded it into thinking that it
>> is presiding over a “monopolistic” democracy. Wake up and smell the coffee
>> Dr. Mesquita. It’s still a people’s democracy and compelling school kids to
>> write eulogies on “good governance” on Christmas day does not mean that it
>> really exists here in Goa or in the rest of the country.

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