Viceroy's gate towards Dewar ferry.

The description plate in the end says.. the façade niche has a statue in stone 
of Vasco da Gama,  correspondingly in the rear, is the statue of the Argonaut
The lady with a sword and a book in hand could be St. Catherine of Alexandria. 
St. Catherine is also Patron Saint of Se Cathedral  and similar statue also 
place in the niche of the se cathedral façade - see pic
I think the above description plate should read as  .. correspondingly in the 
rear, is the Statue of St. Catherine of Alexandria and  an Argonaut.

This info I got from the net
Because of her faith, Saint Catherine, a fourth-century virgin martyr, was 
tortured on a wheel and beheaded by a sword. The book she holds alludes to the 
knowledge that enabled her to refute the arguments of fifty pagan philosophers 
of Alexandria, one of whom is represented below her feet

similar stone? statue in the Se Cathedral façade niche

Argonaut could also mean pagan, philosopher, her tormentor etc

another pic from the net 

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