When a delivery gave birth to a beatificationNewton Sequeira,TNN | Jan
14, 2015
 It is important that we emulate a saint like Blessed Joseph Vaz, says *Fr
Urbino Monteiro,* the vice-postulator of the Cause of Beatification of
Joseph Vaz, speaking of the endeavour over three centuries to confer
sainthood on the Benaulim-born priest.

At his quaint house, filled with memories of family and priesthood,
Monteiro, a Goan priest of the Diocese of Rome, and tasked in 1988 with
giving impetus to the struggle of the Cause, recalls the long journey.

"When I was told to lead the Cause from Goa I was surprised because I had
no Canon Law background," says the septuagenarian.

The struggle which began in 1713, just two years after the death of Blessed
Joseph Vaz at Kandy, Sri Lanka, was often stymied at crucial junctures.

The first time the Process for the Cause was sent to Rome, it was rejected
on technical grounds. According to the Church's Congregation for the Causes
of Saints, prior permission needs to be sought before the process begins.
Additionally, the dossier prepared and sent by the Oratorians lacked proper
documentation, says Monteiro.

It was already 1740, and time was running out as many eye-witnesses were
either getting old or were already dead, making it difficult to document

The Dutch persecution in Sri Lanka dealt a further blow to the Process. As
colonizers of Sri Lanka, and along with the native Buddhist monks, the
Dutch expelled the Oratorians from the island country, and in the process a
lot of the churches, including the one where Vaz was laid to rest, were
destroyed. These remain lost till date.

The situation began to look up around the second death centenary of Vaz,
when the Sanctuary at Sancoale was built, and after archbishop patriach of
Goa, Mateus de Oliveira Xavier, appointed a committee to collect and
document useful evidence on Vaz.

The task took 25 years, and in 1953, four volumes were sent to Rome. They
were once again found to be insufficient.
It was 1961, and a bigger issue cropped up. The turmoil and uncertainty
surrounding Goa's liberation threatened to stall the Process.

"In some sense, the Portuguese administration was backing this effort, even
financially... but the change of regime put the future of the Cause in
doubt," says Monteiro. Instead, for the first time since the beginning of
the Cause, events and people began to fall into place.

In 1980 the diocese of Kandy stepped in. The bishop of Kandy picked up the
Cause and appointed Fr Quitas Perera, a Sri Lankan priest, to collaborate
with the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

Using the research done by earlier priests along with the archives, Perera
prepared the 'Positio Historica' and gave it to the Congregation in 1985.

"I think John Paul II had already read about Blessed Joseph Vaz, for he
openly said, since the beginning of his pontificate, that he had an
interest in this Cause," says Monteiro, "When the Congregation saw that the
pope was interested, things started moving fast."

Two vice-postulators were appointed, one in Kandy and one in Goa, which is
how Monteiro found himself shouldering the difficult task of selecting a
miracle, a vital requirement for a candidate to be beatified.

Once again, the unexpected happened. Cosme Jose Costa, a priest belonging
to the order of the Pilar Fathers, found out that his birth could be
submitted as a case in the Cause.

"The mother had difficulty having children. She had already had 2-3
miscarriages, so she went and prayed and offered mass at the shrine of Fr
Joseph Vaz," recounts Monteiro. "Once again her pregnancy was bad; she was
bleeding. It was the seventh month and the doctors said they would have to
terminate the pregnancy as they couldn't save both mother and child."

But just two days before the operation, the bleeding stopped and the
mother, Quiteria Carmela da Piedade Noronha e Costa delivered a frail and
premature Cosme.

Forwarding all Cosme's submissions about his birth to Rome, Monteiro says,
"I decided to write in Italian, because, psychologically, they would read
it as it was in their language." They did, and in 1991, the postulator sent
an "urgent letter" saying the Congregation was willing to examine the
matter in greater detail.

At the same time, Pope John Paul II received a petition from the bishops of
Sri Lanka and he sent the petition to the Congregation with a note that he
wanted a possible positive reply, says Monteiro.

The postulator, Fr James Fitzpatrick, took an interest in the case. He
wrote a letter to Monteiro and personally came down to Goa.

"The postulator was with us in Goa and we took him around to meet Cosme's
mother, the people who saw the miracle, the shrine," Monteiro narrates
enthusiastically, "Thank God we had a very active postulator at that time."
Fitzpatrick, seeing the signs of faith, sent Cosme's case to the
Congregation and it was accepted.

"The rapid and perfect cure of Quiteria... of hemorrhage cannot be
explained by our science" observed the council of medical experts on the
Congregation. "It's a miracle that it was accepted as a miracle, because we
did not have documentary evidence. No hospital keeps documents for more
than 20 years because of space constraints. A case of 1938, 50 years later,
we didn't have much to show," says Monteiro.

Following this final clearance, Vaz was beatified on January 21, 1995.


*A Goan to emulate*

Says *Eremito Rebello, *vice-postulator, Cause for Canonization, of the man
he got to know

*TOI**:What was your first reaction when you were appointed vice-postulator
for the Cause?*

*Rebello**: *When I was a professor at the diocesan seminary at Rachol, I
was in the teaching line. Though I had a great liking for spirituality I
was uneasy as I hardly knew anything about Blessed Joseph Vaz. But some
senior priests advised me to take it up and under their advice I accepted
this post and took it as a challenge. I myself do not know Vaz and I
thought to myself, many in Goa may not know him either. So I decided to
study who this man is and promote his devotion.
Devotion comes from within, so how do you convince people to venerate a
missionary for Sri Lanka, who also died there?
Promoting devotion is not very difficult. I found my own method. Any
devotion has to be rooted in history. The moment people know the historical
background of a person they get drawn in. I have seen this take place at
Cruz dos Milagres. People did not have much knowledge of what happened on
that hill. Once I started telling people, crowds and crowds started coming.
The same principle I applied here. I grabbed every book and began to read
it. It is a pity that we Goans don't know about the treasure that is hidden
among the sons of Goa.

*Did you find a significant moment when the devotion became personal?*
I will not be able to say when exactly it happened, but it was during June
2004. You can't move out (because of the rains) and it is the best time to
read, and as I read I got that interest and, spiritually, I was filled with
the spirit to do something more.
Your challenge was to promote the devotion of Vaz.

*What were the tasks and what was your biggest challenge to ensure his
When I took over from Fr Robin (Rodrigues) my biggest task was to promote
the devotion. Robin must be appreciated first of all. He and his team
worked hard to build what we see today. This large shrine is here because
of his effort. On my part, I began to gather whatever miraculous signs
occurred. I made it a point to write most of them. And so we collected
almost 2,000 miraculous cases and when the Vatican asked for around 20-30
cases, I selected the best ones. I sent 21 cases along with documentation
and submitted it to the postulator in Rome.

*In the past, during the Process for Beatification, reports were often
rejected. What was the experience this time?*
The postulator replied. All the cases are included in the document, Positio
Super Canonizatione. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints approved it
and unanimously voted in favour of Fr Joseph Vaz's canonization. Their vote
was approved by Pope Francis. Then Pope Francis called what is known as a
consistory. It is just like a confirmation and they fix the date for the

*Unlike the previous time, it appears as if the pace was much faster this
time around...*
What happened is that Pope Francis has taken a keen interest in this
matter. Otherwise this was lingering on for so many years. In May 2014, 12
bishops of Sri Lanka paid a regular visit to the Vatican which is known as
Ad limina visit. They made an appeal that it was their great desire that
Blessed Joseph Vaz be canonized.

*What were the difficulties? Why was it lingering so long?*

For the Beatification of a candidate a miracle is an absolute must. For the
Canonization of a candidate you need another strong miracle which passes
all medical scrutiny. Nowadays, doctors are not ready to sign documents
stating that a particular healing or cure is beyond medical science. Pope
Francis asked the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to begin the
process even if they did not find a single miracle. He advised them to
follow the other method which is known as Fama Seniorum. That is many cases
are put together to show many signs to indicate that a candidate is known
for performing miraculous things.

A saint is meant to be emulated. But what has happened is people come to
seek answers, gain favours. They are basically looking for miracles only,
not a Christian faith.

What you are saying is true. When people seek the help of a holy man, they
want to get relief from suffering or diseases or other benefits from the
holy man. This is a big portion of people who come here for that. But there
are some people who come here and admire him for what he has been. They
would like to imitate him. I have been a priest for 31 years and I have
seen that. People seek a holy man for their own self interest.

*How can this be changed?*

As St Paul says, in season and out of season; this has to be changed with a
lot of instruction to the people. It will take a long, long time. We
priests and other people need to put this in people's minds. The Church
never makes saints to work miracles for people. The mind of the Church is
to declare a person as a model to be imitated, as well as an intercessor
for our prayers. But the major purpose is to emulate the person

*When you took over, you had an aim. You had the task of working towards
the Canonization of Vaz. Do you feel lost now?*
I don't feel like that at all. Now, there are quite a lot of things to be
done. Maybe I won't continue to be the vice-postulator, but the position of
rector will continue. And making Vaz known to Goans is a herculean job,
because just as you said he is to be looked as a model. It is important
that every Goan looks at him as a model. I know more and more people will
be coming to seek his help and intercession. We have to tap that. We have
to get the people to know him more and more.



Jan 14, Wednesday
*8:30am: *Holy Mass & canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz; homily by Pope

The open-air Mass will be held at Galle Face Green, an oceanside urban park
spread over 5ha and stretching for half km along the coast. It is in the
heart of Colombo's financial and business district

The altar on which Pope Francis will celebrate the Mass for the
Canonization was designed and first used for Vaz's beatification which took
place during St John Paul II's visit to Sri Lanka in 1995
Since then the altar has been kept in a parish church as a reserve altar on
which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed
The art director of the altar, Fr L G Priyantha Silva, Colombo archdiocesan
consultant for ecclestial art and architecture, told Vatican Radio in an
interview that the altar incorporates "a sacred geometry" used through the


Jan 14, Wednesday
At Sanctuary of Blessed Joseph Vaz, Sancoale

*8.30am: *Students of Blessed Joseph Vaz HS, Sancoale, will march towards
the Sanctuary accompanied by a brass band
9am: Church bells will peal while a musical melody will be played over the

*9.15am: *Mass by dean of Verna deanery, Fr Sertorio Rodrigues

*10.30am: *Release of special postal cover on St Joseph Vaz
Daily Masses at 6am & 7.30am and at 4pm and 6pm
At St John the Baptist church, Benaulim

*4pm**: *Adoration

*5pm: *Mass
At Shrine of Blessed Joseph Vaz, Pulvado, Benaulim

*7.45am onwards: *Screening of live ceremony of canonization
9am: After pealing of bells, short thanksgiving prayer service
At Patrocinio chapel, Benaulim

*7am**: *Daily novena masses since Jan 7 will end on Blessed Joseph Vaz's
feast day on Jan 16

*7pm**: *Litanies at Shrine of Blessed Joseph Vaz, Pulvado, Benaulim



The canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz is an event for which thousands of
Goans, Mangaloreans and Sri Lankans have been praying for, and looking
forward to, over the last 300 years. Several favours have been reported
through his intercession during his lifetime and much more after his death
*Cosme Jose Costa, priest whose 'miracle birth' set the process for Joseph
Vaz's canonization*

His work in Sri Lanka in the 17th Century is inspiring. He formed small
Christian communities and promoted lay leadership. He would walk even in
the night carrying his belongings in a trunk. What touches me the most is
his total annihilation of self for Christ
*Ciprian Da Silva, parish priest, St Alex Church, Calangute*

It is through the intersession of Fr Joseph Vaz that my daughter was born
on January 16, his feast day. In February 2014, I suffered a stroke that
left me unable to walk. Fr Eremito Rebello along with his assistant priest
Fr Ronald Fernandes prayed over me saying "Jose Vaza tuka zai zalear tujea
ganv bhavak boro kor". The same night while I was sleeping I saw Blessed
Joseph Vaz telling me to go home as I was healed. I owe my life to him
*Joe Dourado, Sancoale resident*

He has often helped us with a lot of things in my life. My faith in him has
been since childhood. I saw a tiatr on him, especially his miracles, they
touched me a lot. I have never seen or heard of anybody else who has led a
life like Padre Jose Vaz
*Santan D'Souza, Sancoale resident & volunteer at the Blessed Joseph Vaz
shrine, Sancoale*

I myself do not know Joseph Vaz and I thought to myself many in Goa may not
know either. As a missionary he was ahead of his times. Today, the Church
is going back to what Vaz did long ago. He walked the entire belt, giving
people faith
*Eremito Rebello, priest and vice-postulator, Cause for the Canonization of
Blessed Joseph Vaz*

I have been a devotee of Blessed Joseph Vaz right from childhood, and I
have read his book five times. Whichever parish I have been sent to, I have
ensured that the picture of Vaz is installed in every house. As the
president of the fund-raising committee of the Fr Joseph Vaz spiritual
retreat centre at Old Goa, I was responsible for raining the highest
contribution in the whole of Goa archdiocese
*Conceicao D'Silva, parish priest, Church of St Michael the Archangel,

It is a unique and big moment of pride for us Goans, as we have a saint of
Goan origin. We implore for his blessings upon India, that we should live
like brothers and sisters in peace
*Jose Antonio da Costa, parish priest, Our Lady of Hope Church, Chinchinim*

The canonization of Fr Joseph Vaz by Pope Francis on January 14 will
definitely bring joy and gladden the hearts of Catholics in Goa as he will
be the first Goan saint. His life of piety and missionary zeal, should
encourage us to follow in the footsteps of our patron saint and to renew
our faith and hold firm to it even in the midst of trials and persecutions,
and are to be imbibed with the joy of evangelization
*Mario S Godinho, physician, Margao*



The Oratorians' humble beginnings in Batim lie ruined by neglect & quarrying

*paul.fernan...@timesgroup.com <paul.fernan...@timesgroup.com>*

Blessed Joseph Vaz may have stepped in here occasionally, but a nameless
community, founded by Fr Pascoal Jeremias da Costa, on the hill overlooking
a lake and Mandovi river in the distance, marked a modest beginning for the

The Oratory of St Philip Neri, in the precincts of the Church of the
Miraculous Cross on Boa Vista hill, Old Goa, with the illustrious priest as
its keystone, was the first indigenous religious congregation in Goa, and
perhaps Asia.

The Oratorians grew in strength in Old Goa, but the historic landmark and
evidence of its humble beginnings have almost disappeared and may only
survive for some time as oral history.

Intensive quarrying activities for a few decades have led to the collapse
of a cross and an altar in the cashew plantations on the hill slope. "It
was here in Batim that Costa, a priest from Margao, started a little
community along with two companions," says Fr Nascimento Mascarenhas, a
Church historian.

The diocesan priest started living in a residential quarter of an almost
abandoned chapel of Our Lady of Loreto on Batim hill. "But when the
structure started crumbling, the two priests with him fled, leaving Costa
alone," says Mascarenhas.

A few lay persons attached to the Church of the Miraculous Cross approached
Costa and requested him to shift his community to Old Goa. "These priests
were called Milagristas which was later rechristened Oratorians after
Blessed Vaz joined them," says Mascarenhas.

Goan priests were not allowed any space in religious orders of the day,
points out Fr Cosme J Costa, a historian and a priest of the Society of

Later, after the chapel and the residence at Batim sank to its foundations
after years of neglect, a cross and an altar were raised close to the site,
as a link to the original one, a villager says. It is now a cashew
plantation devastated by quarrying activities.

The cross, minus the altar, has been shifted to an obscure spot at the foot
of the quarry. "A plaque on the altar with interesting details about the
site has disappeared and visitors to the area may hardly realize the
significance of the humble beginnings of Fr Vaz's Oratorian community," a
villager rues.


*SAINT IN THE MAKINGWaiting period:* The process can't begin until 5 years
of death. This waiting period can be waived off by the pope, as Pope John
Paul II did three years off in the case of Mother Teresa, and Pope Benedict
XVI did five years in the case of Pope John Paul II

*Process: *It begins when the bishop of the diocese where the person died
petitions the Holy See

*First title: *Once the Cause begins, the person is called Servant of God

*Diocesan tribunal: *The diocese or religious institute gathers testimony
about the life and virtues of the Servant. It can take years, and ends with
the ultimate decision of the bishop. The results and documentation are then
sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints

*Congregation for the Causes of Saints: *The Acta are committed to a
relator from the College of Relators. He ensures the proper preparation of
the Positio (summary of life and virtues). Once the Positio is done, the
theological commission votes. It is then passed on to the cardinal and
bishops of the Congregation who vote. If vote is positive, the
recommendation is sent to the pope

*Second title: *When the heroic virtues have been affirmed by the pope, the
person is called Venerable

*First miracle: *A miracle is a necessary step to beatification. It's done
in the diocese it occurred, not the diocese of the Cause. Two commissions
by the diocese look into the scientific and theological aspects of it. The
scientific commission determines by accepted scientific criteria that
there's no natural explanation, while the theological commission looks into
whether the miracle is wrought by the Servant of God alone. If prayers were
made to others simultaneously, the case is unclear. The decision is
forwarded to the Congregation in Rome, where a similar process is
undertaken. If approved, the decision is forwarded to the Pope.

*Third title: *With the beatification rite, the Servant of God is declared
Blessed. 'Blesseds' may be venerated at a local/regional level, or at
places connected with the person's life

*Second miracle: *A second miracle is the barrier between beatification and
canonization. The Process is as is for the first miracle that led to the
beatification. Similarly, after the diocese level, the Cause is studied by
the Congregation. The vote of the theological commission is sent to the
bishops/cardinals of the Congregation, whose vote is forwarded to the pope

*Canonization: *The rite of canonization results in the Blessed person
being elevated to the universal veneration of the Church. Canonization does
not make a person a saint, but declares that he/she is with God and is
worthy of being emulated

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