Controversy about Mother Theresa

Mohan Bhagwat has accused the Mother  Theresa ,imputing motives of
conversion. Does speaking about your religion amount to conversion? Passing
oblique remarks, demeaning, belittling, maligning her humanitarian service
against a world adored, respected figure held in high esteem is in absolute
poor taste. Unfortunately no one dares to question, contradict the
ideological mentor, without distancing themselves but on the contrary
supporting him in an exercise of fire fighting. Not even P.M who  dares RSS
when recently  he thundered that violence will not be tolerated and freedom
of religion and belief is enshrined in the constitution is the fundamental
right. That it is intellectual debate and freedom to speak their mind on
high and mighty irrespective is poor logic. Mother served 70 years adopting
India as her country, She has also served in all countries irrespective of
religious belief and is welcomed with open arms, Mother was showered with
Nobel Peace prize and India at large felt emotionally attached about Indian
being honoured and was not seen then as an outsider or agent of Jesus.
India also honoured  Mother with BHARAT  RATNA, highest civilian award .Now
accusing her as the agent of conversion, mis appropriation of funds,
 holding her strong views on abortion , contraception,   are obnoxious
.Slanted charges and further questioning the process of canonization is
beyond  limits.

It is a political allegations raking up unnecessary, irrelevant issues,
stressing RSS ideology challenging own P.M and secretly planning Hindutva
agenda. The prhase “sub ka vikas sab ke saat” has passed its expiry
date,.The  religious divide secular non secular, polarization, love jihad,
re conversion,” Ghar Vapsi,” diverting attention is a  deep rooted strategy
at play .The Parliament disallowed a debate on this maligning remarks. The
Vatican has expressed dissatisfaction on the erupting controversy
undermining her noble work. Various groups, speakers are emboldened to
divide India on religious grounds, Even the President of USA was forced to
think aloud on this issue and Art 25, much to the discomfort of our leaders
The recent incidents of burning, vandalisng Churches in Delhi is a point in
consideration, creating alarm and sense of insecurity in minorities.

Mother stood by plurality, secularity and all have access to the same God
and will be saved according to their faith., Service and love  to humanity,
downtrodden , wretched transcends all faith and belief and religion or
embracing her faith was not precondition.  I convert you to be a better
Muslim, Hindu Christian to find God and worship Him. She believed in the
dignity ,love and respect of lepers, abandoned, sick , dying and homeless.
She cannot be faulted of living her own beliefs and service of Jesus is a
fallacy to be equated with conversions and it is illusive motive to
discredit her and her mission, an assault on fundamental rights of

Indians of all shades have great admiration for the wonderful work of
Misionaries of Charity. They support voluntarily  the peace efforts in
troubled times like riots of1946,Babri Masjid demolition fall out in
Calcutta. Catholic missionaries have contributed immensely towards health,
education, welfare etc and it is wrong to take myopic view at their efforts
with tinted   glasses The minorities do not resort to violence but follow
the doctrine to present the other cheek and path of dialogue ,forgiveness
and reconciliation

The population is decreased from 6 to 2 % and hence the conversion theory
falls flat on statistics

Denigrating a world revered personality of financial impropriety,
relegating her work is the worst tribute we can pay to her memory of
selfless service, It is true  thatthe drummers of majority of hurt
sentiment are in isolation, as they consider themselves as self righteous
votaries of preserving and repositories of  Hindu faith and belief. India
today needs conversion of mindset, because the existing laws can take care
of forced conversion with inducements

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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