1) Will the moderators of Goa Net and Goa Book Club please confirm if they
are 'sister' forums and if they are what does that mean?
2) If I have a grouse with a member/posting on one forum am I allowed to
vent it on the other sister forum?

Incidentally I think Selma's post on Goa Book Club was acceptable because
it involved books, writing, authors etc and NOT because it was a 'sister'




On 17 May 2015 at 17:35, 'Selma C' via The Goa Book Club <
goa-book-c...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> As tedious as all this is for members, it's very important to me.
> If Goanet (Goa book club's sister forum) allows defamatory posts and I am
> not a member of that forum then I have no option but to seek redressal
> here. Augusto is right to let me do so because he knows that membership of
> Goanet and Goa book club overlaps considerably. Those who don't want to
> read the posts can delete without reading them.
> Best wishes,
> Selma

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