Dear Press and Media community of Goa:

*(170+ recipients marked in Bcc...note that this is a monitored mail ID so
please do not hesitate to reply back if you have any questions)*

As you are already aware GITP is an apolitical voluntary association with
our members employed in the Indian IT industry contributing their personal
time and resources to promote a locally sustainable IT industry in Goa
through our strategy not to criticize but to enable as well
as pressurize the governmental bodies into action for time bound results
towards our cause. We had met the IPB team as well as the Chief Minister,
Laxmikant Parsekar, on 07-Feb-2015 and offered to work together with them
to get things done towards attracting at least a couple mid-sized IT
companies into Goa on priority. However while the governmental progress has
been slow in all these months our voluntary group has done the things
listed below on our own and we leave it to the Goan public to judge as to
how much more can be done by, and also should be expected of, the Goa

Our GITP team apprised Mr. Parsekar about these GITP activities and our
concerns about the grim situation owing to the government’s lackadaisical
progress when we met him last week on 01-Sep-2015 at the Secretariat and
had a very intense 40 minute discussion. This meeting was also attended by
the Goa Assembly Speaker Mr. Arlekar, Chief Secretary Mr. Srivastava,
Director Dept. of IT Mrs. Shinde and IPB OSD Mr. Tulshidas Pai. The GITP
team comprised of Yash Ganthe, Vincent Toscano, Gaurish Abhisheki, Gaurish
Kambli and Tirathprasad Nagvekar. GITP’s key question to the Chief Minister
was, “What more do you need from a voluntary group like GITP to enable the
governmental machinery to get its act together and proactively chase
suitable IT companies to be brought into Goa?” Mr. Parsekar was
appreciative of GITP efforts and was forthcoming with his ideas on how
certain things could be expedited. He has committed a monthly review
meeting with GITP Core Team to monitor the progress and plan things ahead.

GITP voluntary activities since February 2015 to enable the Goa government
promote IT industry in Goa:

1.    GITP has been proactively monitoring the Indian and global business
news space for IT and technology companies having expansion plans in order
to bring such opportunities to the notice of Goa government leadership,
Dept. of IT and IPB. As a result 20+ such leads have been sent by GITP till
date. However the official response has been lukewarm, knee-jerk at best on
occasions and almost no visible action in reality.

2.    On 07-July-2015, GITP had pointed out to the Goa govt. and IPB
officials the annual Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2015 conference that will be
held in Goa on 2-5 November this year at the Grand Hyatt Goa (Bambolim) in
order to exploit it as an opportunity to promote Goa as a “365 days on
Innovation” destination to the global audience of CIOs in attendance at
this event. After the initial interest shown by the officials there has
been no subsequent visible action in this regard by the Goa govt. and IPB.

3.    GITP had carefully prepared and proposed a detailed day-long program
agenda (see details below this mail) to the Goa govt. leadership for an
impactful launch in Goa, and subsequent long-term sustenance of the
visionary nation-wide Digital-India campaign of Prime Minister, Narendra
Modi. Goan society stands to immensely benefit all-round from Digital-India
given our highly literate demographic and the existing semi-urban
infrastructure even in our villages. This agenda and our commitment of
full-support to Digital-India in Goa was in response to a request from
South Goa MP, Narendra Sawaikar, followed by his 30min conference call with
our GITP Core Team to understand his vision and ideas. Unfortunately now it
is 2 months since we shared the agenda with him and subsequently the Goa
govt. but no action has been visibly taken nor any of our reminders
responded to.

4.    GITP's open offer to the Goa govt. and IPB to work hand-in-hand with
them on preparing presentations/material required to re-brand Goa as a “365
days on Innovation” destination and even to deliver such presentations to
the prospective IT companies' management has gone unutilized since February
2015 despite our multiple follow-up reminders with govt. officials
unwilling to give us even just 5 minutes of their time to plan the
immediate next steps.

5.    When the Goa government released its 10-page draft IT Policy on
23-May-2015, GITP took it onto itself to study the state IT policies of
other successful IT destinations in India and identify the relevant best
practices therein adapted to the Goan context. Additionally a number of
original ideas and recommendations from the GITP group members were
similarly collated. All of this was then formulated in policy language and
a re-drafted 18-page policy document was submitted to the Goa government
and its detailed walkthrough done on a telephonic conference call to the
Director Dept. of IT Mrs. Shilpa Shinde. The final policy which was to be
out by end of June’15 is still awaited.

6.    Recently when the Goa DoIT expressed helplessness due to
unavailability of IT company contacts, GITP directed them to Nasscom where
they could get the complete and latest details of 1900+ IT and related
companies which are registered therein. Subsequently one of our GITP Core
Team members even purchased at personal expense of Rs.1200 a publicly
available database of 4700+ Indian IT, Electronics and related companies
which has been shared with DoIT, IPB and Goa govt.

7.    GITP project GEIT (Goans Empowered with IT) to promote IT education
in Goan village schools for better employment in collaboration with the
wider Goan IT and academic community took off on 01-Sep-2015. It aims to
expose students to career opportunities in Computers and related
technologies influencing all spheres of human life today through a series
of interactive sessions and courses to spark their interest and explore
further on their own. This project also aims to help school teachers use IT
to make regular subjects more interesting, engaging and experiential to the
students. In 2015 GITP is working with 3 schools in Goa and will include
more in subsequent years. However the current sorry state of IT
infrastructure in village schools is a serious risk to this project with
most government-provided computers non-functional due to expired warranty
and a highly unreliable GBBN connection. GITP is looking forward to Goa
govt. support with a couple new schemes to enable village schools to get
such issues resolved on a war footing.

8.    GITP has embarked on another project to collate a Goa Skills Registry
(GSR) on the lines of the National Skills Registry to establish a database
of modern skills among all Goans worldwide. The objective is to use this
data as an input to state government policy formulation to promote locally
sustainable modern industries in Goa. The GSR portal will be thrown open to
the public over the next few days.

During our 01-Sep-2015 meeting with the CM and team, we brought to their
notice certain points pertinent to the long term success of IT industry in

1.    For the initial 2-3 IT/ESDM companies the Goa government should go
all out and offer as many incentives as possible to overcome the
disadvantageous position Goa finds itself versus other larger
industrialized states. CM promised his govt. will go all out in this regard
and accepted GITP’s offer to jointly work with the govt. to make things

2.    All of Goa should be declared as eligible for the benefits of the new
IT policy keeping in mind the nature of IT work which is being done by
young people working from home. Additionally any IT and ESDM companies
located in industrial estates other than the proposed Tuem ESDM and Chimbel
IT Parks should be allowed to avail of all such benefits. This will help
take out the constraint posed by the long lead time involved in getting
these 2 new parks ready for the industry. CM expressed his openness to this

3.    GITP recommended that any IT or ESDM company once approved by the
state govt. should be given exemption from the many archaic laws and
clearances which are today used by Panchayats, Labor Dept. and others govt.
bodies to harass Goan entrepreneurs. Efficiency and transparency of
governmental processes with respect to plot allotments and the entire
process of doing IT and ESDM business in Goa needs to move many notches
higher than where it stands today. Specifics in this regard were presented
to the CM and his team, including the sorry state of the Panchwadi
industrial estate which is presently unsuitable for any industrial activity
contrary to government’s claims. CM directed the Chief Secretary and
Director (IT) to look into these matters.

4.    Goa government needs to review the current space utilization in its
offices as well as vacant/un-utilized sheds in industrial estates with the
freed up space then being made available for IT and ESDM businesses. This
would immediately help overcome space constraints especially for IT
industry given its minimal work space requirements per employee. CM took
this idea further and felt that even the unoccupied houses in Goan villages
could be considered for such space which will also help in their upkeep.

5.    GITP pointed out to the CM and his team that Goa does not even figure
on the official website of the DEITY (i.e. central Dept. of Electronics and
IT) and its EDF (i.e. Electronics Development Fund). And also that Goa
should have an integrated Dept. of Electronics and IT given the synergies
between the 2 fields as already recognized at the national level. Chief
Secretary, Srivastava, confirmed to the CM that this was theoretically
feasible and would be considered. Director, Dept of IT was asked by CM to
look into the EDF matter.

6.    GITP team suggested to the CM to permit a confidential review of the
final Goa IT Policy by the GITP Core Team and few other relevant bodies
before its public release so that any potential issues to its long-term
success could be identified and solution possibilities explored. CM agreed
and directed the Director Dept. of IT to look into this matter.

>From what is publicly visible the Goa government machinery has so far
fallen short of what even voluntary groups like GITP have achieved with
their part-time dedication to the cause. The lack of meaningful action so
far does make us at GITP seriously doubt the depth of vision, commitment to
the stated intent as well as the basic competence of the Goa govt.
machinery to comprehend the benefits of a locally sustainable IT industry
and take urgent concrete steps to get things done beyond the noise of
shallow promises and claims. Post our 01-Sep-2015 meeting with CM and his
team, GITP is looking forward to greater levels of thought, pro-activeness
and energy from the Goa govt. in pursuing the above matters to closure to
honor the CM’s commitment to us. GITP also looks forward to the next
monthly progress review meeting with the CM and his team.

We seek active support from the Goan press and media community in our noble
cause of promoting a locally sustainable IT industry in Goa. Please do not
sensationalize this matter but genuinely persist with it for the long-term
cause of Goa and Goans.


Goa IT Professionals

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Goa IT Professionals <>
Date: Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 5:50 PM
Subject: Fwd: Digital-India@Goa launch seminar agenda
To:,,,,,, Atul
Pai Kane <>, Faizi Hashmi <>, Goa
Director DoIT <>, KESHAV CHANDRA <>,
Parimal Rai <>, Srinet Kothwale <>,
"subhash.phaldessai" <>, Nitin Kunkolienker <>,, Martin Ghosh <>, Atul Pai Kane <>, Nitin
Kunkolienker <>, Nana Bandekar <>,
Kirit Maganlal <>, Tulasidas Pai <>,
Managing Director - Infotech Corp of Goa <>, Siddesh
Parab <>,
Cc: narendra sawaikar <>

Dear all,

Sharing with you the agenda our GITP core team had put together on Mr.
Sawaikar's request for a day long DigitalIndia program in Goa.

We believe Mr. Sawaikar's thought process was in the right direction and
the program we had proposed below would have a great impact on the budding
next generation of Goa.

Kindly consider this suggestion and let us know if you need any help from
our GITP group to successfully carry out this program and its subsequent

We would appreciate your response indicating your interest in this program
within a week from now (i.e. by 27Aug) after which GITP will make a press
statement in this regard.

Goa IT Professionals

Forwarded message ----------
From: Goa IT Professionals <>
Date: Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: Digital-India@Goa launch seminar agenda
To: narendra sawaikar <>

Dear Mr. Sawaikar,

It is 1.5 months since we proposed you the below agenda for the
DigitalIndia program in Goa.

We are concerned that we have not heard back from you since nor any
official announcements have been made regarding such similar program in
Goa. Our GITP group is dedicated to the cause of locally sustainable IT
industry in Goa and would like to know if you are still pursuing this
matter and how we can help enable it further towards success.

Kindly indicate your interest by 20-August-2015 in the absence of which we
will pursue it with the Goa government since we firmly believe in its
urgent need and positive impact on our Goan youngsters and the society at

Thanking you for your support and counting all the more on the same going

Goa IT Professionals

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Goa IT Professionals <>

> Dear Sir,
> We understand that our GITP President, Gurudev Naik, is in touch with you
> on this matter and has clarified to you that the Gartner conference in
> November is unrelated to Goa except that it is being held in Goa.
> Do let us (or Gurudev Naik) know if you need any further details or
> changes to the agenda we have proposed above for your Digital-India program
> in Goa. And also any other support required from GITP to make Digital-India
> highly successful in Goa.
> All the best!
> Regards,
> Goa IT Professionals
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Goa IT Professionals <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. Sawaikar,
>> GITP appreciates your vision for promoting the Digital-India initiative
>> in Goa and for giving our core team your precious time last Sunday morning
>> to discuss regarding the same.
>> As explained in our call we request you to kindly consider the following
>> for the long-term success of this initiative:
>>    -
>>    *Sustainability:* A dedicated taskforce to organize regular
>>    events/seminars every quarter to sustain and maximize impact of
>>    Digital-India in Goa with the progress transparently measured on
>>    pre-defined parameters/targets.
>>    -
>>    *Speed: *Organize this event latest by end of August 2015 before the
>>    novelty of Digital-India wears off with other states surging ahead. Also
>>    the long-pending Goa IT Policy needs to be expedited now and its release
>>    targeted at this event as it would be a befitting occasion where all
>>    relevant stakeholders could be brought together on a common platform to
>>    constructively brainstorm and support the successful implementation of 
>> this
>>    policy.
>>    -
>>    *World-class launch event: *Lets show rest of India and the world
>>    that Goa can deliver truly world-class technological events in terms of
>>    meticulous planning, impeccable execution, globally reputed speakers for
>>    the sessions, creatively designed immersive IT experience for the 
>> attendees
>>    and a live webcast of the day-long activities to the world.
>> Please find below the proposed agenda for the 1-day seminar targeted at
>> School and College students to trigger their awareness and curiosity about
>> digital technologies and career opportunities therein. Do share your
>> feedback on this agenda and we can accordingly refine it further.
>> *Session Title*
>> *Duration*
>> *2.5hr*
>> Inauguration with lighting traditional lamp
>> 15min
>> Short speeches by political leaders on Digital India campaign, IT
>> awareness, eGovernance w.r.t. India, Goa down to village level
>> 45min
>> Inspiring & interactive key note session: Our world in the next 10 years!
>> 60min
>> Roadmap for this Digital-India@Goa initiative (next 1 year)
>> 20min
>> Vote of thanks to all dignitaries & volunteers
>> 10min
>> *4hr*
>> Global IT innovation by kids
>> Career Guidance (IT & related fields)
>> 60min
>> Simplified mobile apps (
>> eCommerce & Mobile apps
>> 60min
>> Simplified robotics
>> Robotics
>> 60min
>> Art in IT! (design, animation, …)
>> 3D printing, other latest IT trends
>> 60min
>> *1.5hr*
>> Conclusion with targets & plan for next quarter’s event
>> 30min
>> Entertainment – music show with refreshments, departure
>> 60min
>> Please do not hesitate to reach us at GITP for any further support
>> regarding this particular event, your Digital-India@Goa initiative in
>> general or any other matters pertaining to promotion of locally sustainable
>> IT industry in Goa.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Goa IT Professionals
> --
> Regards,
> Goa IT Professionals

Goa IT Professionals

Goa IT Professionals

Goa IT Professionals

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