Dengue spread in Delhi

The death of Avinash and now Aman  a 6 year old was also shunted to 4
hospitals with dengue fever have raised alarm citizens have no faith in
Govt Hospital and hence rush to private hospitals with the hope of better
though expensive treatment, There is no publicity  and awareness, as would
be desired warning about symptoms and care of Dengue

Avinash was turned down by at least 5 hospitals, moving in ambulance
without proper attendant and monitoring from next hospital about
admissibility thus wasting precious time .The lame excuse that there is no
bed, pediatrician, facilities and medicines. No body wanted to take risk
and responsibility with a poor child fighting desperately to live and
survive, Perhaps hospitals wanted to avoid at best medico legal
consequences with unknown child. They will use justifications,
clarifications to avoid their responsibility. At the last hospital the
doctors did their best fighting against odds the critical situation of
Avinash it was too late. When he finally breathed his last, the heart
broken parents of only child committed suicide .This heart wrenching
incident has woken up everyone in Delhi and to see the insensitivity of
successive Govt, to the plight of its Delhi citizens. Politicians find the
occasion suitable to propagate blame games and one up man ship. The
negligence to critical patients by doctors, managers, private hospitals
because they are driven by purely profit motives, The prime land leased to
hospitals is conditional on free treatment  to such needed patients, will
the lease now withdrawn of such erring hospitals, at least no FIR is filed
against negligent hospitals involved. The politician who get best of
treatment at private hospitals when lesser mortals have to get certificate
of non availability of facilities at Govt Hospitals, Everywhere the
pathetic conditions, shortages of basic medicines, qualified doctors ,et al
are writhe large .The medical apathy is alarming and so it will continue
with such deaths are routine and another statistic to be reckoned with The
furore and public gaze and interest will wane as usual with lapse of time

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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