Oct 9, 2015


Excerpts from Suchitra Krishnamoorthi’ article;

From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com


Suchitra Krishnamoorthi, the artist who wrote in DAILY ‘O’ Open to Opinion;
Deserves accolades as she has rightly wrote; *Dear BJP, I’m a Hindu and I
reject Hindutva - Don’t teach me about my own religion. Who I should
worship? How I should dress or what I should eat?*

Her proclamation, OMG? What? Forbes has listed Sonia Gandhi as third
richest woman in the world? Baapre! And still wears those cheap cotton
sarees? What an actress ya? Better than Shabana Azmi!


Just imagine, by the end of this incumbent regime’s tenure, how much Double
whammy Narendra Modi and Co…can acquire now that he is trotting around the
world for trading place to place …announcing the slogan ‘Make in India”
giving a leverage to the true face of politics in politics and the sullied
game plan up his sleeve with India reeling with all sorts of Bans and more
bans and bandhs.

Some of Suchitra Krishnamoorthi’s quotes from her article, which amply
shows what true Hinduism, are all about?

Hinduism is a philosophy. The doctrine of which allows me the choice of
acceptance or rejection. Ram or Ganpati or even atheism. Upanishads or Gita
or tantra or mantra. Hindutva, on the other hand, is militant imposition of
wrongly interpreted tenets of Hinduism. Hindutva is a political tool -
nothing to do with the religion itself.

I’m not showing off or being patronizing, I promise you. My grandfather and
my ancestors were temple priests - my father still recites the Vedas
verbatim. My sister recites them without having ever studied them - it is
so in my bloodline. That’s how Hindu my lineage is.

So do not teach me about my own religion, dear BJP. Don’t tell me how I
should think. Who I should worship. How I should dress or what I should eat.

I am a Hindu - by definition purer and a higher form than you can ever b e-
and I reject your Hindutva. Just as Islam must reject the Taliban or Isis.

To be a Hindu is to be tolerant. It’s why we have survived as a race in
spite of invasion, conversion and unimaginable attempted destruction. If
you do not understand that tolerance or exercise that compassion so
intrinsic to our religion, you do not deserve to call yourself Hindu. Or a
leader of a democratic nation.

So dear BJP. I reject your Hindutva.  I reject your fascism. I reject your

Dare me if you will. For I speak for all of India.


It’s been barely over a year of the BJP government and just how
disappointed are we? God OMG - more than disappointed, I believe. We are
shocked and hoping it’s still all a mistake. Did we ever imagine we are
voting for a despotic fascist regime? What exactly is going on? WTF!

*Beef Ban* – Dear BJP! Can you please explain what wrong did the chicken or
the goat do that they deserve to be killed and not the cow? Yes, yes,
Congress imposed it before you, but how come they didn’t bombard it on us
as much as you? Why am I suddenly feeling embarrassed about being a Hindu?

*This courageous piece she has written deserves praise and I salute her for
out speaking herself.*

May many Hindus like-minded speak themselves out now for the good of this
country and its people or we all are forever doomed..

Sam Furtado


On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 7:37 AM, Robin Viegas <robinvie...@hotmail.com>

> From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com
> To:
> http://www.dailyo.in/politics/hindutva-hinduism-bjp-rss-narendra-modi-congress-sonia-gandhi-rahul-gandhi-anti-national-meat-ban-beef-ban-intolerance-religion/story/1/6209.html
> Don’t teach me about my own religion. Who I should worship. How I should
> dress or what I should eat.
> I am like most other urban Indians. Apolitical. Or non political. A
> novice. An outsider. But a well wisher. Because I love my India.
> And like most other urban Indians, other than election time, when we
> dutifully go and cast our votes silently, politics has no impact on our
> lives. Yes we gasp over scams and purported stories, but just as quickly
> dust the sand off our feet and move on. Politics never enters our homes -
> certainly not our bedrooms and kitchens. Yes we cursed much when Shiv Sena
> changed our beloved Bombay’s name to Mumbai when they came to power in
> 1995, but quickly saw the rationale behind the move. Desi euphoria and
> jingoism bloomed. With the luxury of life digested with a silver spoon, it
> was easy to see the virtue behind a Shivaji statue.
> Even when vehicles were set ablaze in Marathi Manoos prejudice and Biharis
> asked to return to their home state, we ignored them with the hope that
> sense would soon prevail. It didn’t. Sadly. Hindutva ideology had started
> to seep in. To even the most neutral amongst us, it was unacceptable.
> Never mind the disappointment. Manmohan Singh is a brilliant economist and
> will herald a new India we were told. After all as India’s finance minister
> in the 90’s, he had introduced to us the concept of India shining. But his
> failure as prime minister that he was ushered into in 2004 was soon
> apparent - what was the power Sonia Gandhi wielded over him? OMG and why?
> What on earth for? Why did he look like a deer trapped under the headlights?
> Sycophancy was the giant ogre in this Congress government - everybody was
> getting swallowed and the whole country was dying. An Italian accent became
> the most despised sound in the Indian psyche - even senior leaders like
> Digvijaya Singh had fallen into the Gandhi scion brainwash. Rahul Gandhi?
> Really? But Pappu can’t dance saala. Oh and not to forget that Vadra boy.
> What did Priyanka see in him ya? Looks like a total goonda and how did his
> whole family die so mysteriously ya? OMG? What? Forbes has listed Sonia
> Gandhi as the third richest woman in the world? Baapre! And she still wears
> those cheap cotton sarees?  What an actress ya. Better than Shabana Azmi!

> Uff India and its Bollywood fixation. Anyway to cut a long story short,
> when it was time to re-elect a new government in 2014, I, like most other
> urban Indians reeling under the corruption of dynastic politics and a
> failed Congress government, was filled with hope. Hope for a new India.
> Hope for change. Hope that things will finally get  better.
> Arvind Kejriwal and his Gandhi delusion (remember how he went on a fast
> every time and for anything and tried to project that he is a Mahatma
> Gandhi reincarnate while trying to hide the fact that he is CIA (Ford
> Foundation) funded? Of course, his common man phonyism gave away his own
> opportunistic game way too soon and he fell by the wayside. Phew! He was
> India’s first anti-corruption hope dashed. Who could we turn to?Narendra
> Modi-led BJP seemed like the only hope in April-May 2014. Were we wrong to
> expect? India was desperate. We needed a leader. Badly. We needed progress.
> We needed a semblance of honesty. We desperately needed hope again. It came
> in the form of Narendra Modi. Brilliantly packaged. Karmachari.
> Brahmachari. Sanskaari.

> So well was the Gujarat model marketed that Modi became the one man
> capable of delivering us – India – into the future. A future built on the
> foundation of tradition. Indian tradition. As anti-Italian as one could get.

> The fact that the only other prior perception the public had of BJP as a
> party was its Karnataka ministers – CC Patil and Laxman Savadi watching
> porn in Assembly in 2012, or the ban on women wearing jeans in the state
> and being beaten for consuming alcohol,  but all that was soon obliterated
> by Modi’s own five-star charisma and his PR machinery. If anybody deserves
> an Oscar for PR, it is indeed Sri Narendra Modi’s team.

> So, swayed by a desperate hope as we were, longing pleading and begging
> for a better India as we were, I, like every other urban Indian, even went
> out on a limb urging my friends and family to vote for Narendra Modi.
> Stated on social media that Narendra Modi’s greatest ally was Rahul Gandhi.
> And I wasn’t wrong.

> The BJP government won because we Indians had become so soooo Gandhi
> family intolerant - any alternative seemed like manna from heaven in
> comparison.

> Had the Congress propped some other leader of calibre other than the gora
> chitta Rahul Gandhi or his Maa, the votes would have been divided. But
> Rahul sealed it. BJP owes him a lot for their victory.
> But what have they done with their victory? It’s been disappointing to say
> the least. Not just disappointing. Annoying. Frightening. Unacceptable.
> Totally. Totally, totally unacceptable. Despicable really.

> I remember whilst urging my friends to vote for Narendra Modi, a Muslim
> friend had joked that if BJP comes to power he will have to get on a boat
> to Karachi. So real loomed the spectre of the Godhra riots in everyone’s
> head, and so real the feeling of Muslim persecution. Was he wrong?

> At that point I had reprimanded my Muslim friend that his fear rose from
> the fact that his allegiance was with the Islamic state in the first place;
> so he shouldn’t use the minority card to gain undeserved rights and
> privileges. If Karachi is emotionally a boatride away, surely it’s where he
> belonged? "You don’t understand SK,” he sighed. In retrospect I think he
> might have been right.
> Reservation and minority status for the Muslims in my view was nothing but
> vote bank politics. The Congress party policy of divide and rule. But
> hey... I admit, I don’t really understand everything. Like I said I’m a
> novice. But hey.. I’m also an artist enough to understand that even a
> novice is entitled to her worldview and I’m common enough to understand
> that I express what a large number of people feel but are unable to
> elucidate. So, here goes.
> It’s been barely over a year of the BJP government and just how
> disappointed are we? God OMG - more than disappointed, I believe. We are
> shocked and hoping it’s still all a mistake. Did we ever imagine we are
> voting for a despotic fascist regime? What exactly is going on? WTF!

> *Beef Ban* – Dear BJP! Can you please explain what wrong did the chicken
> or the goat do that they deserve to be killed and not the cow? Yes, yes,
> Congress imposed it before you, but how come they didn’t bombard it on us
> as much as you? Why am I suddenly feeling embarrassed about being a Hindu?

> *Meat Ban* – Yes, you want revenge and oneupmanship on your Congress
> counterparts and distract us from the fact that you are failing completely
> in governance. Farmer suicides, rape, children dying by falling into
> potholes, Gajendra Chauhan ... need I say more! Meat ban looks like a cheap
> shot at making us forget about the governance failure on all counts. Did
> you say sedition charges were to be slapped against those who dare to speak
> up!!! I mean really? I dare you, seriously.

> And what was that drivel about eliminating western culture and reclaiming
> Indian culture?
> What exactly do you mean by that dear education minister (HRD), Smriti
> Irani, you who is not even sure of what education degree you have acquired
> yourself or in what language? For someone, who doesn’t herself know if she
> is a BA by correspondence or a BCom by imagination, is not likely to know
> the difference between Hinduism and Hindutva, is she now?

> Hinduism is a philosophy. The doctrine of which allows me the choice of
> acceptance or rejection. Ram or Ganpati or even atheism. Upanishads or Gita
> or tantra or mantra. Hindutva, on the other hand, is militant imposition of
> wrongly interpreted tenets of Hinduism. Hindutva is a political tool -
> nothing to do with the religion itself.

> I’m not showing off or being patronising, I promise you. My grandfather
> and my ancestors were temple priests - my father still recites the Vedas
> verbatim. My sister recites them without having ever studied them - it is
> so in my bloodline. That’s how Hindu my lineage is.
> So do not teach me about my own religion, dear BJP. Don’t tell me how I
> should think. Who I should worship. How I should dress or what I should eat.
> I am a Hindu - by definition purer and a higher form than you can ever b
> e- and I reject your Hindutva. Just as Islam must reject the Taliban or
> Isis.

> To be a Hindu is to be tolerant. It’s why we have survived as a race in
> spite of invasion, conversion and unimaginable attempted destruction. If
> you do not understand that tolerance or exercise that compassion so
> intrinsic to our religion, you do not deserve to call yourself Hindu. Or a
> leader of a democratic nation.

> So dear BJP. I reject your Hindutva.  I reject your fascism. I reject your
> despotism.Dare me if you will. For I speak for all of India.
> Mind it!

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