Federation of Rainbow Warriors totally supports the residents of Quitol and
neighbouring villages in their struggle against the poorly disguised land
grab being attempted by Mr Parrikar.

The lands belong to the villagers and to the future generations only, and
neither the GIDC nor the Defence can acquire any rights over these lands.
Common lands is the highest ownership status for any lands in the country,
which cannot be changed under colonial anti-national acquisition laws.
Misguided SEZ and industrial policies were responsible for the misuse of
colonial anti-people laws to try to grab common lands, but the people of
Quitol have clearly and consistently expressed their refusal to part with
the lands, or to bow down before unjust colonial laws.

These plateau lands have the highest eco-sensitivity and no activities
except grazing, farming and forestry can be allowed on this plateau. The
plateau is the best recharge area in the country with unbelievable water
retention due to the highly porous ore-rich laterite surface, which must be
maintained in pristine condition to preserve the extremely sensitive water
regime of the region. These are also the homelands of the endangered
Dhangar community, other local residents and lakhs of species of flora and
fauna, including rare, endangered and endemic species, and therefore cannot
be diverted for any other use.

Rainbow Warriors are totally committed to the restoration of Global Peace,
and we unconditionally oppose sale of lethal weapons, which leads to
military escalations, poverty and loss of lives. We believe that India must
make peace with our neighbours, and we must together reduce military
spending by improving our relations and building mutual trust. The profit
driven military-industrial complex is responsible for millions of killings
that are taking place throughout the world, and India must totally prevent
any further sale of weapons in the world, if we truly believe in human
values and peace.

The brazen and repressive actions of the government to silence the voice of
the people smack of the tactics used by the Nazi regime of Hitler. The
democratic and constitutional rights of the people are being strangled and
abused. Rainbow Warriors resolve to walk with residents of Quitol in their
Satyagraha against violence related to their land rights, and also demand
that no lands in Goa be used for sale of weapons or to otherwise escalate
violence in our world.

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